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Edward Elric: *looking at eren* Sooo... You can turn into a titan..?

Eren: yush.

Ed: cool..

Eren: and regenerate my limbs.

Ed: *expression darkens and punches eren in the face

Eren: *regenerates face*

Ed: fuk you


Italy: ve~ Do you like pastaaa?

Sasha: *drools* Mmmmmmmm yush

Romano: *eating tomato*

sasha: *tackles romano and takes tomato* MINE BICH

Maka: *facepalms* Soul lets leave these people are insane. Soul? Kid?

DTK: *staring at levi* P-perfect symetry.. *faints*

Soul: *pokes DTK* Sorry about that. He is a freak-

Levi: HE IS SO C-CLEAN *faints*


Winry: ... And Ed is always running off acting all brave, then ends up getting into trouble that i have to get him out of.

Mikasa: Same with Eren. He always does that.

Asuna: same here. Kirito is running off on adventures all the time. *laughs*

Lucy: Natsu is always getting into trouble.

Winry: We should hang out. Maybe swing by our dimension.. That would be cool.

Mikasa: hayl yes.

Asuna: SAO is very nice too.

Lucy: Fiore is very peaceful in the summer.


Kirito: So you fly around using a..

Armin: 3DMG.

Kirito: and kill giant.. Titans?

Armin: yes.

Kirito: You use dual weilding too?

Armin: What..? Oh! No. We use these blades. *pulls one out* see?

Kirito: sounds badass.


Rin: Aaah its so hot heeeere!

Krista: You get used to it. Thats okay!

Ymir: *grunts*

Krista: Want me to show you around?

Rin: Ah i guess-

Ymir: ah hayl naw


Juvia: Ooh! Juvia is amazed by your strange mechanics!

Gray: Your looking at a door..

Juvia: Eh? No that- *points at badass weapons*

Gray: *chokes on air* Wow.. awesome..


Eleven (doctor who): Well! This is interesting!

Clara: Quite.


Eleven: *cries* You understand me

Susan: *neighs* (translation: i understand you doctor)

Jean: *proposes to Susan*

susan: *neighs* (translation: hayl naw)


Luke (tales of the abyss): Its so hot out here!

tear: stop complaining.


Rick: Hey... No walkers here?

Daryl: No

Marco: *decends from heaven* I am jesus. I grant you-

daryl: screw this. *leaves*


SO MANY FANDOMS. AND I HAVE EVEN MORE. anyways thanks fo da reads love yaaalll

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