Eternal Servant: Prologue

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The year was 1781. Had it been a few years previous you may never have laid eyes on these words, nor would have I, for I did not know how to read or write. In my early years I lived with my parents in a small town in the developing America's. At the age of thirteen my father left us, my mother, my infant brother, and myself, alone in the Great North Woods. He said that he would find work, that he would come back to us, and that some day we would live as the Kings from our home land did. I didn't believe him then, even as a child. At sixteen our family was desolate, we were starving for food, barely the nessesities that we required. In early fall that year my mother announced that we would be leaving our home to stay with relatives in another part of the state. I knew that our mother would not let us down, she had remained strong and unbroken for three years since my fathers departure. The night we arrived at my aunts house I put Clause to bed, said my goodbye's to him, and took one final peek at my mother sipping tea at the dining room table.
Hellbent, I left. Through the darkness of the alley's, sneaking past guards, and skirting around drunkards. I was going to go to England in search of my father. Wether I wished to harm him or return him when I did I had yet to figure out. When at last I had reached the docks on that frigid night, I found my way to a man that could get me to my destination. After pulling a few strings I had gotten myself a bed for the price of scrubbing the deck daily. It had all been a nasty journey, storms, pirates, and the god aweful smells of months without bathing.
On the morning of our arrival I was shaken from my cot by a fellow crew mate, I hit the floor with a thud and was helped to my feet. He told me that land was in the distance, that we were in English waters and we could soon touch dry land again. The entire crew stood on the deck, a few in the sails, and a handful in the birds nest, we all stood in awe as it came into view. The booming voice of our captain snapped us back to work, readying to dock. I was eager, not so much to find my father, but to touch land. It had been my first time on my own and I was ready to make my place in the world.
After unloading the ship and recieving my pay I threw what little belongings that remained in my napsack and headed of into the city. People gathered at store fronts, men in tall hats held pipes to there lips as they talked casually. Women bussled about in large glorious dresses and feathered hats on the arms of young men. It was a sight unlike any other. Buildings stood tall and ominous, carriages pulled by horses remained a constant. My first priority at the time was to find an inn, to bathe, clean up, make a plan and find a way to my father. I spent my afternoon searching for a fairly cheap inn and eating the first home cooked meal that I had comsumed in months. Thanking the owners I retired to my room. They had already draw up a bath and insisted that I use it immediately upon my return to my room.
I scrubbed everything, washing away the months of grime that coated my skin. I went from toe to head, then fingernails and hair, which had gotten quite long on my journey. Drying off I climbed into bed in a fresh night dress that the innkeepers wife had given me, she insisted that my old clothes would be washed and dried by morning.
I enjoyed that first night of sleep on dry land and it didn't take long before I was completely oblivious to the world.

The next morning I headed straight into town with fresh clothes, all of my belongings and a full stomach, feeling as invincible as the king himself. Though as my day wore on I became more empty handed with every person I spoke to. Some people had never heard of my father, some had said they hadn't seen him in months, they said that he might've left town, or that the alcohol had finally consumed him. I became more and more frustrated as the day passed until eventually I started searching taverns, asking around to drunkards and barmaids if they had heard anything of him, all answered with a no.
Just when I thought that my luck couldn't get any worse I came to discover that I had gotten myself lost in the twilight. The scum of the earth would soon be crawling from there holes to reak havoc on the late night town and I was in the middle of it. I soon found myself running through alley ways, away from a crowd of considerably nasty fellows who were determind to rid me of my napsack. After finding myself in a dead end path I suddenly became more devout, silently praying that they would spare me and just take my coin.

I had not been so lucky at first, they beat me profusely and with vigor for a few good minutes, determined to get their kicks, but it was the man that appeared behind them that had become my savior. I watched in a blurry haze as he laided them out. One by one all five men hit the ground. The man helped me gain my feet only to have me collapse to my knees, winded and bruised. Handing me my pack the man lifted me off the ground, as my head lulled to the side I got one last glimpse of the scene, the blood, there faces, and the world went black.

I woke the next evening with a high fever, dazed and hungry. Opening my eyes a man sat at my bed side, his hands ever graceful as he dipped a cloth into a bowl of water.
"Good evening." He smiled, placing the fabric on my forehead. "Though it probably doesn't feel like such to you now does it?"
"Are you the one... did you--" I forced the words from my swollen lips, unable to finish.
"I am, and I did indeed." He nodded, drying his hands, his peircing green eyes never leaving his task.
"Thank you." The breath came hard from my lungs and I couldn't help but wince.
"No need to thank me. I couldn't very well pass by and let them harm you." He rose to his feet. "Now, if you don't mind, can I know your name?"
"It's Milo. Milo Keen... And yourself?" I attempted to sit up to survey my surrondings, but was pushed back down by a forceful hand.
"It's best you remain lying down Milo, your ribs are severely bruised and possibly broken." He turned back around. "And my name is Darius. That is all you need to know for now. You must be starving, my servant should be here in a moment, his name is Whilmer, he will be taking care of you during the day and I shall be on watch at night until you are well again."
"I don't need any-"
"You do not see the severity of your situation, I suggest that you don't argue on account of those ribs of yours." He peeled back the blanket, examining the bandages around my chest cavity. "Very well. Rest. I will return to check on you shortly."
My first night at his house had been a bit strained, but soon after my recovery he sat me down to talk. He asked if I wanted to serve him, he said that he would pay me, give me a room, and provide food. What else could I have wanted?
In the weeks following I began my service, as his Eternal Servant.

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