Reflection III - When He Had A Change Of Heart

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When I opened my eyes

I can see that you're my girl,

Your beauty shines so bright,

I can see that you're my world,

Whenever I open my eyes.

I can see you'll always care,

You don't even have to lie,

I can see you're always there.

Whenever I open my eyes.

I can see that you're my friend,

And that your willing to be until I die,

I can see the love that you send,

I can see your shield of protection,

At times I throw external fights,

I can see that you're truly a blessing,

Whenever I open my eyes.

I can see our love strengthen its meaning,

Every second that passes us by,

I can see the strong sensation it's bringing,

Whenever I open my eyes.

I can see that if we both help each other,

Things can and will turn out right,

I can see that you'll remain my lover,

Whenever I open my eyes.

I can see your soul as it lifts up,

To spread its imaginary wings and fly,

I can see you succeed if you don't give up,

Whenever I open my eyes.

I can see us unite back together,

If we'll listen and follow this guide,

I can see myself earn you as a treasure,

Whenever I open my eyes.

I can see and I do believe,

That if I hold my hopes up high,

I can see the road that's best for me,

Whenever I open my eyes.

I can see that I can succeed,

All I've got to do is try,

I can see this is the life I lead.

All I can see is still you,

Whenever I close and open my eyes…


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