Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I slowly open my eyes to reveal that I'm laying on some sort of table. Nothing looks at all familiar. A few rectangle lights line the ceiling. I also notice this room radiates with an artificial white glow.

It takes me awhile but I finally recall it all. The Quarter Quell announcement. The Reaping. The alliance. The kiss on the beach. The plan. The lightning. The explosion. The hovercraft. . . The giant metal claw. . . I'm in a Capitol hovercraft.

I feel both physically and emotionally drained. I turn my head enough to see Beetee laying on a similar white table next to me, connected to a thousand machines and a breathing mask.

I realize a similar mask is covering my own mouth and nose. I reach to pull it off when I notice an IV needle in my arm. I proceed to take the mask off, breathing in air that feels somewhat less artificial. I flinch as I remove the IV needle from my skin, dropping it carelessly beside me.

"Katniss," I whisper. I so wanted to protect her. I was supposed to die to keep her alive. She was supposed to be the victor of the Seventy-fifth Hunger Games.

If the Capitol wanted me, then they wouldn't hesitate before taking her too. As I sit up I notice a set of metal doors a few feet across the room. If we are in the Capitol, Katniss should be here too.

I look down at notice that I am practically naked, save a thin nightgown that they must have dressed me in. My old clothes were all torn and filthy, but I despise this nightgown. Anything that reminds me of the Capitol makes me want to scream.

It feels like we're in a hovercraft, but I don't see the familiar seats for tributes. Maybe they removed them? No, that wouldn't make any sense. Then again none of this is making any sense.

I'm probably deep underground beneath the training center in the Capitol. I don't care what they do to me, I just want to find Katniss. I need to see her again. I need to know that she's okay.

My heart drops. What if she isn't even alive? I never even got to say goodbye. . .

I decide to figure out where I am since it doesn't seem like anyone's gonna come out and tell me. I let my legs fall off the table. It takes a minute, but I am able to balance myself.

I carefully walk towards the doors, trying to be as noiseless and possible. I clench my fists tightly, ready to attack the guards that I'm sure are placed right outside.

I push through them carefully, my body tense. To my surprise, there are no guards waiting to attack me. In fact, I don't see anything but a long hallway with another set of doors at the end. I walk down the white hallway carefully, making sure I stay as stealthy as I can, though it's not my forte.

I stop in front of a metal door that is slightly ajar, pressing my ear against the metal, listening carefully.

"Communications are down in Seven, Ten, and Twelve. But Eleven has control of transportation now, so there's at least a hope of them getting some food out," says a familiar voice.

Plutarch. Plutarch Heavensbee, Head Gamemaker. I clench my fist in anger. He must be the one who captured me and brought me here.

I hear another voice, a voice that I recognize as Finnick's. I can't quite make out what he is saying, but I hear the name Annie within the sentence.

Those tapes that I watched with Katniss on the train come to mind. Annie was reaped, Mags volunteered. Annie and Finnick were, too, in love, and they were separated. How many lives does Snow intend to destroy?

As many as it takes to prove to us that he is stronger, I tell myself. It's also why the Games were created. It was supposed to prove a point but it seems to be ending in rebellion. How many times it is going to take for them to realize we intend to do something about this? And now Panem is in the midst of a full-fledged rebellion.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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