Chapter 2 // This Cant be Happening to Me

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I flip the chicken in the pan. The smell filling the kitchen. Smiling I look at the meal I'm preparing. Chicken, roasted potatoes, dinner roles and green peas. At least now my mum can eat a proper meal instead whatever mush she was able to feed herself. I can't even imagine as weak as my mother is, her trying to cook for herself. The thought sickens me. Suddenly a bang comes from the other room. I quickly switch off the stove and run to my mothers room.

"Mum!" I almost scream moving to her crumpled body on the floor.

"H-ha-" she breaks into a fit of coughs, tissue in hand covering her mouth. I wrap my arms around her and lift her onto her bed.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I mumble to myself. She breaks into another fit of coughs covering her mouth with her tissue. This time the coughing doesn't cough. Unsure what to do I stand there looking at her, watching her, examining her. I shove my hands into my pockets and turn walking into the kitchen. I pull a glass from the shelf and fill it with water.

"Here." I say walking into the room. The glass falls from my hands and falls to the floor shattering. My mouth falls open as I watch my mother vomits onto the floor, but she isn't vomiting food it's blood. My mind is racing, the room seems like it's spinning as I run to her side and pull back her hair. My brain is on overdrive. I can't breathe and I'm trying to stay calm.

Once she is finished vomiting up the blood I pick her up bridal style and run to the car. My feet are moving but my brain doesn't seem to be working. Starting the car I pull out of the driveway. Driving in the darkness, speeding all I can think of is getting to the hospital. All I can think of is helping my mother. I see the red light coming up but I just push on the gas harder running the red light as fast as I can. A mass amount of horns honking come from behind me but I ignore them.

I make a sharp left as I speed down the next street, then the next, then the next till I pull into the hospital parking lot. I park quickly, not caring I've done a very shitty job and I might get a ticket. I look over to my mother and her skin is pale, too pale.

"Please." I whisper as I pull her from the car and run to the doors with her in my arms. As soon as they open I rush inside.

"Please someone help my mum." Panic is rushing through my body. Everything else happens so fast. My mother starts to vomit again, I fall to my knees holding her, there is more blood this time, only blood. I'm not sure what to do as I pull her brown hair from her face. I watch as nurses run to us. The move to her side moving me out of the way. Running my fingers through my hair I look away as they lift her up moving her back into a room and I am following close behind.

"We are going to run a few tests Mr. Styles, she is stable now."

"Right, I will be back then." The doctor gives me a small nod and turns to go into my mothers room. I however turn and walk towards the exit. I step into the chilling night air and pull my phone from my pocket, dialing Gemma's number, but no answer. So I decide to walk. My head down, hands in my pockets. I'm just so confused, how could this have happened, what had I missed? Nothing is making sense and I know at this point I shouldn't be angry with her, but I am. That still doesn't stop me from not being worried.

I reach the corner and walk into the gas station. I'm not a huge smoker, but if I don't have one I'm sure to walk to the closest bar and have a couple drinks. As amazing as that sounds, I'm pretty sure they won't let me back into the hospital drunk.

"Marlboro Reds." I mumble as I put the money on the counter in change for the cigarettes. I take them and walk out of the building finding a seat on the curb. Taking one out and lighting it, I take a long drag and blow out the smoke. Watching the smoke twirl and spin and disappear into the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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