Reader's past

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(hey guys i hope you enjoy your past, if you have any questions about it, please tell me in the comments and i will answer. oh and this is going to be in 3rd person)

(Y/N)'s father and mother where the chief's of there clan, the (L/N) clan, also known as the wolf clan. they got their symbol and nickname because of their families in the past, they would migrate all over the world. meaning over centuries they would learn different types of elemental styles, soon enough it came to (Y/N)'s generation. she was the first and only child to learn all elements Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water. (Y/N)'s clan where she lived was in the hidden snow village, cold but you get used to it after a while. Since she was 5,her parents would always be busy or go on missions because they were the only ninjas in the whole village because the snow village is filled with samurais, (Y/N) adored her parents and made a goal to become a ninja. but she was to little to understand that there wasn't a ninja academy in the village, so her grandmother and father would teach her to throw kunai and how to use the jutsu's and chakra styles, her grandma taught her wind and water, while her grandfather taught her fire,earth, and lighting. Just before she turned 6 her grandparents sadly passed away, but she was also gifted a little brother of her own, whom she spent every day with. of course her big sister would change his diaper because (Y/N) thought that was gross.

When she was around the age of nine (Y/N) went out with a few friends of hers to play in the snow, by the time it got late she said goodbye and started walking down the street of the village towards her clan, she could smell something burning from afar, she didn't think much of it but decided to sprint. she saw a blazing fire off in the distance towards her clan, once she got to the archway of the clan entrance, she got scared, on the other side was the sounds of screaming,buildings falling. smoak seeped through the other side of the arch doors, (Y/N) took a deep breath and pushed open the doors, she walked in to see house after house beginning to collapse or have already fallen into a burning mess. there was people trapped under the rubble and beams of woods, slowly burning them alive or just getting rid of the already dead bodies, tears came to her eyes as she ran as fast as she could to check and see if her family was alright, her legs hurt but she kept pushing forward, determined to see her family with only a few injuries...but still alive. she stopped in front of the huge house she called her's, her father and mother's yells for help echoed inside the burning house, she looked to the top floor window to see her sister holding their baby brother and trying to leave through it. (Y/N) shake in fear and just hoping...hoping that they will make it out okay in the end.

....But that didn't happen....

The house then made a huge *CRACK* sound, the walls caved in and made the whole house collapse in on itself, crushing everyone who was inside....her mother,father,sister,and lastly her brother. she watched as the roof finally fell,making debree and smoak rush out from the wind, but the fire still went on....

(Y/N) fell to her knees with tears coming out from her eyes, she couldn't squeak out a single word or sound, all that came out was hiccups and heavy breathing. before she would scream in sorrow and pain, she heard quiet but hearible yips and whimpering. she looked over by a fallen down tree where the noise came from, through her blurry vision from the tears, she could see 2 white foxes trapped underneath. she slowly stood up and walked over to the tree and used all her strength the get the broken tree off of them, they crawled out once they were free and layed down by (Y/N)'s feet, she sat down with them and petted their soft coats of fur, feeling only a percentage of happiness for saving them. she then got an idea "since i saved you, how about we make a deal?" she asked wiping her tears away, they nudged against her hands and nodded, (Y/N) ended up making a contract with them, so when the time is dire, she may summon them to her aid.She stood up and began walking towards the archway, the foxes followed "we are going to leave this village and go somewhere else, how about the sand village?" she asks the foxes, they shake their heads "right, too hot. about the leaf village?" she asks, they yip and nod, she nods back "alright, com'on, you may ride in here" she opens up her backpack and they hop in poking their heads out of the bag in a cute way. before she leaves the village she looks back "i hope the afterlife is nice, but i must continue on with life and become a ninja. just like i promised" she then begins her journey to the village hidden in the leaf.

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