Last temptation of Midnight

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Eve woke up on the couch with Manfred nowhere to be seen. She gets up and checks the bedroom but he isn't there and neither were his things. She walks out of the house and sees that the Rv is no longer there, she then runs out to the street, ignoring the people around her, and looks around before she woges and let out a screaming roar that broke all nearby car windows and set off their alarms, and making people cover their ears, before collapsing to her knees in the middle of the street and retracting her hexenbiest form.

She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders, she looks up to Emilio and she then lets out a few tears as he helps her up and back into her house. When they entered the house they took a seat on the couch and Eve sat there silently with face looking like she had a million thoughts going through her head, before a voice broke her out of the trace she was in.

"Is something wrong Eve?" Emilio asked her.

She wiped the tears off her face and said, "It's Manny. He's gone and i don't know if he's ever coming back." she turned her head to face him, "Sorry for what happened out there." referring to what only happened moments ago.

"You don't apologize, Eve. It probably was the shock of him leaving and not telling you. "

"Your probably right, i mean the only other time that i can remember doing that was when Xlyda died." she paused, " you know, i was young when my parents died so i was sent to live with my grandfather and he pretty much taught me all that i know about supernaturals, torturing, hunting, basically everything he wanted me to learn so i can be the most deadly Hexenbiest but when i ran away from him and Xylda took me in, she taught me how to be human. And since Hexenbiest are extremely loyal, i promised her that i would protect her and when Manny joined us i promised her i would protect him too."

"Must have been hard for you to lose your parents at a young age."

"It was but when Xlyda took me in i felt at peace." she paused as ripples go across her face as she winced in pain.

"Eve are you alright?" he asked with concern.

She took a breath before she spoke, "It's the veil, it's getting stronger." she looked at him, "You feel it too don't you, Emilio?"

He looked down, "Yes, but i didn't want to worry you about it."

"Well, we're together so if you get to worry about me then it's only fair that i get to worry about you." she kissed him on his cheek, he looks up at her and they looked into each other's eyes before sharing a small laugh.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat." she got up and took his hand to get up.

The two headed over to Home Cookin' and went into the Midnighters room. When they took their seats a waitress had came took their orders. Emilio's order had Eve concerned, after all why would a vegetarian order a steak. Not long after Olivia came in the Midnighter's room.

"You hear about Manfred?" she asked dryly before she sat down.

But before anyone could answer all the lights in the restaurant flickered.

Madonna, having noticing the lights, said, "That is the 3rd time in the last hour that those lights have done that."

The three then carried on with their conversation.

"It's a shame. I thought more of him." Emilio replied.

The waitress then comes in with Eve's and Emilio's food and places it in front of them. Emilio's food caught Olivia's attention which is a fairly rare cooked steak.

"You're a vegetarian." she voiced her thought

"Usually. I've been anemic." He said

"Iron. Nothing to do with the veil?"

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