Preparing for Howgarts

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We were walking down the road of Diagon Alley, the day before leaving for Howgarts, it was awful, there were lots of people pushing and rushing. I was exhausted, it was to hot, but the good thing was we only needed our robes and wand.

''Augh, I am so tired I want to leave already, Why do we have a lot of stuff to buy for just one year?'' said Colin annoyingly.

''Colin are you sure what a year means?, oh and dont cry about it because we would have arrived here earlier, but no a certain someone decided it would be a brilliant idea to leave cookies in the oven since yesterday right?''  I said with a tone of anger.

''I just forgot about it...and I was hungry''  he said sheepishly.

''Stop fighting both of you, and enter to Ollivander's before it gets too crowded''  said our mother with a tone of severeness.

We followed her ordes and entered, for our bad luck there was a family of muggleborns ahead of us, we waited patiently until the bell above the door rang, instantly everyone from the shop turned their heads to the front dor, and there he was , the famous Harry Potter accompained by the nonother Ginny Weasley the skillfull Quidditch player, and a boy about our age followed by two younger kids, a boy and a girl. Colin and I were open mouthed.

''Dad!, isn't him- '' before Colin could say something stupid I covered his mouth.

''You may have embarass me in our first day of muggle school, but not this time Colin, not now that Harry Potter has arrived, if you say one word I swear I would tell mom who broke the chandelier''  I whispered rapidly to Colin, and slowly he just nodded and rolled his eyes.

I was ready to hear the screams of the family ahead of us, but there was nothing, then I rembered that the child was a muggle-born, I turned to my right and my mom looked very excited.

''Oh Dennis, should we greet them? I haven't seen neither of them since the Quidditch World Cup'' said our mother.

''Maybe not right now, when it's our turn to buy the wands Mr. Ollivander would say our names, and they will recognize us'' said our father with a hint of a smile.

''Good idea we don't want to look like some obsessed fans'' she complemented.

In that moment the family in front of us left, Colin and I looked at each others eyes, nervously I said:

''Uh, you first''

''No, ladies first'' he said directing his hand to the counter.

''Oh, now ladies first right? I think you didn't remember that one when we were in the candy shop.''   I answered vaguely.

''Augh, fine if I need to go first for you to stop crying than I will'' he said going to the counter.

''I will not fall for this one'' I said smiling.

My dad approached the counter, and Mr. Ollivander recieved him and mom like they have planned earlier.

''Oh, nice to meet you again Mr.  Creevey and Mrs. McDonald, well now I see it's Creevey too right?'' he asked to my mother in a funny tone.

''Certainly yes'' she said smiling.

''Who do we have here?'' said Mr. Ollivander.

''This is Colin and that girl is Denisse''  said my father proudly.

''Nice to meet Mr. and Mrs. '' Mr. Ollivander replied seeing both Colin and I.

''Pleasure'' we sadi at the same time, he turned around and glared at me. Of course he thought I always copied him, but seriously from all people why would I copy HIM?

''Please let me take some measures young boy'' he said to Colin, meanwhile I heard a female voice coming behind me ''Excuse me are you Dennis and Natalie?'' Ginny Weasley said to my parents.''

''Indeed we are, such a long time isn't?'' said my father happily.

''I see you have kids now, are they entering this year?'' said Harry Potter.

''Fortunetly if they stop bickering for everything, I swear it looks like they get paid for fighting each day.'' said my mother . I noticed I got a little red.

''Don't worry this two are the same'' said Ginny Weasley, pointing to the two boys.

''So, how have you been, everything okay?'' said my father, sadly we were so entertained in the conversation that we didn't noticed Colin had moved his wand and made it explote.

''See? That's why I don't borrow my things to you, I think being friend with Tobias Finnigan is affecting you.'' I said in a tone of superiority. I heard Harry Potter chuckle from behind.

After a while Colin and I got the wand we needed, eventhough mine caused more disaster than Colin and the Potter boy combined.

''Well I guess we'll see you at platform 9 3/4 then'' said my mother smiling

''Of course have a good day'' said Ginny Weasley, and with that the two families departed, little did they knew what kind of bond their children would create...


All this characters belong to JK Rowling as well as some scenarios and concepts , except for the ones I invented.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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