Chapter 11 gifts

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Justin's pov

Ever since I turn I felt something in me would the Cullens would call a gift.

After the talk with Edward I went to talk to Carlisle to ask if I have had any gift.

Me: Carlisle I just want to ask if I have any gift?

Carlisle: I don't know if you do or not do you think you have one?

Me: yes I think that I have a gift

Carlisle: well we see if you do soon but right now I have to take a look at my granddaughters I before she goes to bed

Me: ok sorry about that

Carlisle: it's ok I well look at you when I am done here

Me: thank you I wait

Carlisle: your welcome ok nissie let me see you for a moment

Nissie: yes grandpa you can

Carlisle: thank you you are growing fast that's good now that we know that you well stop in six years

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