Chapter 4

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First day living with the mortals won't be that bad will it? I'm fairly sure that it's just like everything in hell..? It might be a bit nicer and maybe the people with be more accommodating.

"Abi, why does Lulu get to be a big strong dog but I'm stuck being this helpless thing?"

I looked down at what used to be my beautiful dragon ,"It's Candice now, Bellatrix. Lulu get's to be a Bullmastiff because those are the closest thing to his original form."

"And my closest form is what, a fluffy bunny? Great! How do you know that Lulu won't try to eat me now that I'm in this pathetic helpless form?"

"Bellatrix, enough. Lulu won't try to eat you and you know it. He knows that if he even tried to hurt you that it would hurt me and in doing that it would also hurt him. Kinda hard to heart someone if it's also going to hurt you in the purpose."

"You spoil all my fun, you know that right?"

"Bella, just stop it, please. It's my first day and I really don't this."

"Candice there's someone at the door for you do you want me to bark at them and send them away?"

"That's fine Lulu. I'll get it now. Bella this is over now. He will not hurt you and you are stuck in this form because that is what Father wishes."

"So, even though you're rebelling against him, you're still staying loyal and all that jazz?"

"Yes Bella, I am staying loyal to my father. What he said has hurt and saying that I wasn't his daughter when I act in this manner will always hurt. But it doesn't change the fact that he is my father, and always will be, so if this is what he wishes that then that is what will happen. Now if you don't mind I have someone waiting at the door for me." I walked away from bella with my head held high, One to show her dominance, and Two to show that the discussion was over and should never be brought up again. I walked toward the door and opened it slightly to see the face of an older woman.

"Yes? Can I help you ma'am?"

"Uh yes you might be able to. Are you Abigail Candice Avlur?"

"Yes, that is my name. How can I help you?" This woman comes to my door and asks for me by full name. Something isn't quite right. Lulu come. Lulu was at my side in mere seconds to show that I did have protection if needed.

"Uh well you see, Miss Avlur, I...uh..." Obviously the sight of Lulu was intimidating her, but she seemed nice enough. I waved my hand at Lulu to signal to lay down. The smile of relief on her face notified me that she was more at ease now that Lulu was laid down. "Uh, yes. As I was saying, Miss Avlur, I am Lucinda Smith. I'm the Headmistress at the local high school. I just wanted to let you know that because you are under the of 18, that you are expected to attend. Your father called and said that you would start next week after getting settled in. I understand that he is not living with you, so I was just dropping in to let you know incase that he hadn't passed on the message. I trust that you will be there Monday."

What a bitch! 'I trust that you will be there Monday.' Bitch please. The fact that father called the school to enrol me and to get the principal to come and tell me that I was expected to attend. Like hell I was going. Haha I like that 'like hell' I think I'll continue to use that.


The day before school, great. I'm not only going to have to live with the mortals, but actually socialise with them. That means I'm going to have to start acting like them. For Pete's sake. I'm really starting to hate this living arrangement, but I'm not going back to father, that's for sure. If he wants me back, he has to make the first move.

What on earth am I going to wear tomorrow. Not that I really care what anyone thinks of me here. If they don't like me they can go suck a big one. I will, however, make an effort just incase there is someone I might want to impress there. Mortals aren't good for much, but some of them can be highly attractive.

I guess if I'm going to go for the whole badass persona I'm going to have to do a bit of work on my looks at the moment. Sure I still have all the clothes that I got when I was still at home, and my hair is still black, lips still red and eyes still emerald, but if I want to do the whole look proud I'm going to have to do a bit more work. Some piercings and maybe some ink to. Lucifer's Daughter would look pretty cool scribed across my collar bone. Maybe a nose stud and a lip ring, get some extra ear piercings whilst I'm at it too I guess. Maybe even buy a bike and do the whole look proud, actually I think I'd prefer a sick looking car. 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle doesn't sound too shabby. I wonder if I could get it here by tomorrow though. May as well call in a favour someone owes me from down below. I can get the ink and piercings taking care of, I'll just need a bit of help with the car. Guess it's time to make a phone call.

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