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Hey I'm Tessa nice to meet you." I said while giving the girl a huge smile. Instead of saying hi back she came in for a hug. "Ahhh I can't believe ur dating this idiot!! Your so pretty!!! I'm Jessica by the way but you can call me jess." I love this girl already.

Jessica's p.o.v
Tessa and I were currently getting our nails done while talking about her relationship diego. To be honest I love this girl so much even tho we've only know each other for 5 hours. Tessa and I finished at the nail salon and now we are on our way to go get some food! "Tess lets go to a fancy restaurant, I want some good ass food right now." I told tessa. "Ahhh yes I'm so hungry." Tessa replies.

Once they get to the restaurant

Tessa's p.o.v
Jess and I walk into the restaurant and we literally melt to the floor. "It smells so good in here." Jess and I scream! Let's just say we LOVE food! The waiter sits us down at a table and gives us the menus. "What can I get you 2 beautiful lady's to drink?" The waiter asks . "Can I get a water." Jess replies. "Can I get the same." I also reply. "Of course, I'll be back with your drinks shortly." The waiter says. Jess and I were talking till the waiter came back. He gave jess and I our drinks but there was a little paper on Jess's drink. The waiter has left and I decide to pick on jess. "Ahhh he gave you his numberrrrr." "GET IT JESS." I kept on teasing her and at this point she was blushing.

After they eat and stuff

Still Tessa's p.o.v
Jess and I finally decide to go back to diego and I's house. Once we got home I changed into Diego's hoodie and I gave jess some of my clothes to sleep in. Diego wasn't home so we decided to watch movies and stuff our faces with junk food.

It's about 2 am now and Diego still hasn't come home. I started to worry so I called him. I called him about 3 times till he finally answered. "Hey baby what's wrong." Diego asked from the other side of the line. "What do you mean what's wrong with me?!whats wrong with you why haven't you come home?!" I basically screamed through the phone. I screamed so loud that jess was starting to wake up. "What's wrong." Asked Jessica. "Nothing it's okay go back to bed boo." I replied. "Baby I'll be back by tomorrow, I'm staying at Stevens tonight." Diego said through the phone. "Okay fine, I'll see you tomorrow, good night babe." I reply to diego. "Goodnight baby." Diego said before hanging up. "Common jess lets go to bed." I said while basically dragging jess to diego and I's room.

The next morning

Jessica's p.o.v
I woke up the next morning in a bed that wasn't mine. I then notice I'm in Tessa's and Diego's house. So I get up and walk to the kitchen and see Tessa making us pancakes. "Ahhh good morning T." "Good morning Jess, you hungry?" Tessa asked. "Yeah actually." I replied smiling.

After they eat

Tessa's p.o.v

So jess left a couple hours ago and now I have nothing to do. So imma just invite liss over. I haven't seen her in 2 days and I already miss her. I grab my phone off my night stand and text Alissa.

Tessa 🥰💞: Hey liss you want to come over to hang?
Alissa 😍💓: yes!! I'll be over I'm 10 🥳
Tessa 🥰💞: okay see you soon!!

I walk into my closet and got dressed into a white crop top and black shorts. When I finished Alissa texted me that she's 2 minutes away in those two minutes I decided to text diego and check up on him.

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