worm on a FUCKING string

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you haven't been able to take your eyes of your computer for a few hours now. it was all because of that stupid game, with the stupid anime boy, that all your friends called stupid, and your teacher called stupid, and your parents called stupid. but you knew matt champion wasn't stupid. like all anime boys, matt champion wasn't a hobby, he was a commitment

the computer seemed to be steaming, hot to the touch from the intense amount of memory stored inside. but you couldn't turn it off. last time, you knew what happened.

you came home from gymnastic violin viola fiddle man door hand hook car door practice and opened the game's application on your macbook pro.

"you're back!" matt champion's anime eyes lit up

it was good to see matt champion after a long day, even if you couldn't say anything back.

"y/n," matt champion mumbled in his smokers lung voice. "if i'm not asking for too much, could you please stop closing the application? the fucking application?" he requested, his voice airy and sweet. "it hurt"

there was no possible affirmation, but you listened well to what matt champion said, and he seemed grateful. you would let matt champion look through your computer, and physically manifest inside it, while you got to be cherished by this cool anime boy 

today, when you came home, matt champion learned to open your webcam. "you look beautiful, y/n" matt champion stated

shyly, you smile, before covering the webcam. 

creepy little man.

ddlc AU { matt champion / reader }Where stories live. Discover now