Second Night

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After I had emptied my stomach of every last thing that had been consumed it was in pain and my throat was on fire. I couldn't bare to look back at the pile of meat that I had evacuated from my body. I already knew what it was. Looking at my reflection is the clear water of the creek I couldn't even recognize myself. I looked like some kind of mad man. My eyes were sunken in, my hair dirty and matted, and my face covered in a mix of hardened blood and fresh bile.

I reached my hands into the liquid and oh it felt amazing. As I washed my face and body off I had to drink some. I had dehydrated myself from puking out my guts. Once I was cleaned I fell back onto the creek bank and just stared up at the sky as my mind buzzed with so many questions it was maddening. The worst part was when I closed my eyes. Oh the things I saw.

I saw Emma looking at me with such fear and confusion. She put her hands up as if to defend herself from me. She screamed my name, told me no, to stop but I didn't. I saw chunks of my beautiful Emma get ripped away as her screams were drowned out my terrible grunts and growls. I watched a hand that was connected to my body but wasn't mine swipe at her, and the blood that poured out of eyes flew back open and I wound up throwing up water that I had just drank.

Eventually I passed out from utter mental and physical exhaustion. Sleep granted me no respite from the horror that had happened. I dreamed in more grim detail of what had happened to my darling Emma. How is left her in a state that was unrecognizable, and her pink corvette had been painted a dark crimson. By the time that I woke up I was still exhausted.  The sun was hanging low in the sky, how long had I passed out for? What had happened truly? Did I do this to her? I had to have, she came out of my stomach. I wanted to throw up again but this time nothing came out.

When I finally decided to stand up and was ready to try to walk I stopped in my tracks. There, in front of me was a gray wolf. Wolves were rare in California. There hasn't been a wild wolf pack seen in the state in about a century, but here it stood just staring at me. There was no fear in either of us it seemed. There was an almost,,,familiar sense shared between the two of us. Eventually the wolf just turned and walked away. What the hell was that about? And why did it feel so natural to me?

By the time that I had made it back to civilization, the night sky was out and the moon was bright. Suddenly, that burning started again. No, no not again. God in heaven please Not again. I fell to my knees and screamed as the same that had happened the night before happened now. Once more my body confronted and changed. Bones extended, broke, and rejoined. Hair grew all over as I lost control of my own body. Much to my horror however, I did not lose consciousness this time. This time, I was there in my own head as my body was taken control of.

Second Night:

As if in a dream I found myself in the mist moistened streets of downtown Los Angeles. I stuck to the dark alleyways, away from the people that were in the open. Despite being dark, I saw perfectly. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be free, to be in the forest where I belonged. My stomach rumbles with hunger and I could feel my desires for death and meat growing within me. Down one alley I heard a scream. Prey? Maybe.

From the shadows I watched as a man had a woman pushed against a disgusting building wall. She tried to fight him off but the man was too big, too strong. One of his hands was wrapped around her mouth to stop her screaming while the other tire away at the woman's clothes. Something about this made me angry. Didn't like this...I made my approach and let out a low growl. The man turned and there was a moment of fear shared on his and his potential victim's face. The attacker spoke to me, I didn't listen. He held out his knife to me, he was threatening me.

He may have been big but I was bigger. It was clear I wasn't leaving and so he let go of the woman and moved to stab me. As the glistening blade cane down, a hand that was mine and at the same time not shot out and grabbed his wrist. A quick twist caused the man to scream out in pain and drop the knife. Another hand, matching the other fur covered one reached out and grabbed his face. I lifted him easily and now he was the one squirming. There was something rewarding about that. I pulled the man in close and sink my teeth into him, ripping away a chunk of his shoulder. He screamed in pain against my hand but I didn't care. The meat was good and I wanted more.

I pushed the man down onto the ground and just began to eat. My claws and fangs tearing huge chunks of him away as I consumed the meat. Blood and bits of flesh flew about as the man's essence left his body and all that was left was meat. Nothing stood in my way, organs were chewed through and bones torn apart like twigs. When finally I had eaten my fill of the man my eyes fell upon the woman who  instead of running away from the grotesque scene she had instead cowered in the corner. Looking upon her I felt no pity, all there was in me was hunger.

Someone must have called the police when they heard the screams, because by the time I was done eating the woman two police cars pulled up. Didn't like their bright flashing lights. The men got out of their cars and held guns up to me. I looked at them, blood running down my face I roared at them. It caused them to step back and left me enough time to run. They fired their guns until they were empty, a bullet hit me in the leg. It stung but it didn't slow me down. Had to get away from these people, from this city. Wanted the forest, wanted to be free. I got down on all fours, running as fast as I could until I couldn't the sounds of the sirens or the shouts of the men anymore.

I don't know how much time passed from when I was escaping the pursuing police to being outside of my home but it had to have been awhile since the sun was starting to rise and the moon falling by the way side. Why had I come here? Was it just familiar? I don't know but I was tired. So so tired. Eventually I woke up and I was in my bed. Had it all been a dream? Was it all just made up in my mind? Those hopes were crushed when my sister Lissa bursted into the room and hugged me crying.

"You shit head!" She cried. "Mom and I were so worried about you. We heard about Emma I'm so sorry!" She managed to get out through tears. I managed to pull away from her embrace. Dread built up inside of me as did a sickness. I didn't mean to push her but I had to make it to the bathroom. Once again I emptied my stomach, the white porcelain throne now covered in a new glossy red finish.

"Jesus Christ..." Lissa said to me standing in the doorway. "What happened to you Jack?" I looked up at her, tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't help it, her looking at me like that and the memories of what had happened the last two nights just cane flooding in.

"I don't know." Was all I said, over and over again as I curled up on the bathroom floor and cried. Lissa stood me up and helped me back to bed. She may have been younger than me but she always made sure I was taken care of. I love this girl.

Sadly, the serenity was short lived as the familiar stench of Philip's cigars filled the room. There he stood, unannounced. He looked at us with what appeared to be a mix of his usual contempt and sadness as well. "Lo and behold, the prodigal son returns." The man said, looking directly at me. "You gave your mother quite the scare. She went out last night looking for you, with all her fear and confusion she must have lost control." He explained as he approached, my eyes widened.

"What happened?" I somehow managed to get out.

"She had a rather nasty accident. The car is totaled and she's in the hospital. Their not sure if she's going to make it. Good work boy." How dare he? How dare he accuse me of this? I had so many conflicting feelings at the moment. But I knew most of all I had to go see my mother. I got dressed quickly and pushed past the man. No, no. I already lost Emma, I couldn't lose my mother too!

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