Chapter 3:

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Rossi's POV:

We got onto the jet and sat to talk about the case. As we start discussing the case, Garcia calls.

"Hey, Garcia." I said.

"Hey, baby girl, what do you have for us?" Morgan asked.

"The four victims have been identified, I sent them to your tablets." Garcia said.

"That was quick, I thought that the guy removed any identifying features... so how did the M.E. identify them?" I asked.

"All four women had breast implants, and I guess the unsub forgot to remove them; so, I tracked the serial numbers and found out that they all got it done at the same place." Garcia stated.

"What is the place called?" Hotch asked.

"Smith's plastic surgery, and yes before you ask, I already sent the address to your phones." Garcia said.

"Garcia, see if you can find any connections between the four victims, besides being brunette with green eyes." Reid said. He looked distressed, so I walked over to him and sat down.

"Alright, my lovelies, I will call you if I find anything. PG out." Garcia said and hung up.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh- it's nothing. I'm just thinking about the case."

"Come on, I'm a profiler just like you, and I can tell it's not just that. Something else is bothering you, so talk to me. I'm not going to judge you kid."

"I'll explain when we get back to Quantico."

"Okay, just know that you can always come to me, and I will listen."

"I know, but it's something that even I don't understand."

"Did something happen between you and Mel?"

"No, we're okay, just in shock that's all."

"Okay. Speaking of..." Mel walks over with coffee cups in hand for herself and Reid as I said that.

"What happened?" Mel asked.

"Oh nothing, just man stuff... we'll talk later Reid, okay?" I say getting up from the seat.

"Okay." He said while reading a book. I go over next to Hotch, but since we're still discussing the case, I grabbed my notebook and scribbled "Something is wrong with Reid, look." and handed the note over to him. He read the note and wrote something on the back and handed it to me. I read it and it said, "He's fine, him and Mel are going through some stuff." I looked at him and nodded while we continued discussing the case. As we were talking Garcia called back.

"Hello, my lovelies." Garcia said.

"Hey Garcia, did you fine something?" I asked.

"Yes, I found the connections between the four victims." Garcia stated.

"What are they?" Reid asked while quickly looking up from his book, and then looking back at it.

"They are all middle-class women with stable jobs, and live in the same neighborhood which is an urban area. They all also have a lot of recognition on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter." Garcia says.

"Well, maybe the unsub resents them, because they have the life that the unsub wishes they had." Morgan said.

"Well, to resent them for more exposure on social media they have to be a follower, right?" Blake asked.

What If Everything Changed (Boss' Niece AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora