Chapter 11

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I stepped off the boat and onto the beach of the large island. Turtle and I hulled in the boat and made sure it wasn't going anywhere. Koz sighed in relief as his blonde hair fell in his face. He looked on the hills and valley of the island. I walked up and stood next to him as the sun was rising up from behind the hills. We spent all night getting here and we were all tired. Well at least me and Turtle were, Koz seemed energized to start the journey. Turtle sat down on a boulder in the sand. "Beautiful isn't it?" Koz asked me. 

"The lands, yeah sure, pretty far from...well anywhere. This island is pretty hidden isn't it?" I said. 

"Yeah, and its how we plan to keep it. Shall we start, town is just past the valley." Koz said and started to walk. 

"Wait, Koz maybe we should take a small break, we've been on the water all night, we're pretty tired." I said. Koz stopped but wasn't happy about it. He then turned and smiled. 

"Yeah sorry, I'm just excited to be home." He said before taking a seat in the sand. 

"Listen, we'll leave in a few hours." I said. 

"Sounds great to me." Turtle said before laying in the sand to take a nap. I looked around, not in the mood for sleep. 

"I'll go hunt us something." I said taking the sword I picked up in the boat and started to walk in the fields. Koz stayed behind and started to take out the letters from before. The ink was a little smeared but you could still make out what they read. Koz sat facing the sea as the waves crashed against the sand. Turtle was already asleep so other than him laying in the sand he was fine. I started walking in the long grass and weeds of the fields. I stayed quiet to see if I could hear any animals around. I heard a oink of a pig from afar. With that I started making my way to the sound. I found myself behind a small boulder that hid me from the swine of pigs before me. I had no way to take one out from afar so I had to find a way to get to one without them all running. I crouched as I moved to another rock that was somewhat closer to the pigs. I was feet away from a straggler that started to wonder off the others. I thought in my head, "Yes, yes!" But I had to stay quiet. It got closer and closer before it shot its snout over in my direction and turned and ran. I ran around the corner and tried to catch it but it was already gone. 

There was no way it saw me, so why'd it run when it saw me. Unless it saw something around me. With that the sound of twigs breaking came from behind me. I already had my saber at hand so without looking I turned and swung at whatever was behind me. To my surprise it wasn't a whatever, it was a whoever. It was a girl who was carrying this wooded staff. She deflected my swing with the staff and then spun it around in her hands. The girl had white hair that fell on her face that covered one of her eyes. She had pale blue eyes. She wore a red scarf around her neck that blew in the wind. She wore this leather jacket and she also wore this small skirt that only fell down to her knees. She wore these black boots with red decals on them. She twirled the staff in her hands but she had a belt with a sword in a sheath. I didn't know who she was, but all I knew was she was sneaking up on me. I stood ready as I started to walk around her. She mocked me and we walked slowly in a circle waiting for one of us to make the first move. She then jumped at me swinging the staff. I was able to deflect the first strike but she was quick with her strikes. The second one I missed and it hit my side. 

Luckily my shell was there so it had no effect. What it did do was give me a chance to attack back. I grabbed her by the jacket and pulled her around me. I threw her with an attempt to swing at her too. She deflected the attack again and regained her balance of being thrown quickly. She swung the staff once more so I held my saber straight to block it. The wood hit my saber, and with that my saber cut through the wood. The girl took a step back realizing her staff was broken. We were back to being a few feet from each other. She was catching her breath as I stood ready for her next attack. We didn't say anything so we just continued staring at each other. She then acted as if she was going to jump at me but strafed right instead. I fell for it and blocked the wrong way as she threw the other half of the staff she still held at me. I looked to see her before getting whacked in the head with the wood she threw at me. It was just enough of a distraction for her to jump in the air and kick me. The kick made contact to my head sending me to the ground. 

Turtle's Adventures Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now