Chapter 12

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Zara was looking between Steve and Tony, wondering who was going to get their way. Whether Tony would do the decent thing and shut down the machine or if Steve would have to force him to. 

Before it came to drastic measures Pietro whizzed around the room and disconnected all of the wires from the cradle. 

"No, no. Go on. You were saying?" He asked right before a shot rang through the room and Pietro fell a story down. 

Zara looked down at the spot where Pietro once was and saw Clint standing above him. 

Before anyone could do anything else, Thor flew into the room, landed on the cradle and electrocuted it. 

Zara screamed a little when a thing emerged from the cradle and hid behind Bucky. He put a protective arm out as if it were a shield to protect her. 

"I'm sorry, that was....odd." The thing said as it looked around the room. "Thank you." It said to Thor as it nodded. 

"Thor, you helped create this thing?" Steve asked as Bucky relaxed his arm in front of Zara. 

She looked up at him as he looked down at her. He smiled gently at her before looking back at the scene unfolding in front of them. 

"Because Stark is right." Thor said and Zara felt like she was about to faint. If Tony Stark was right about this, then it can't be good. 

"Oh, it's definitely the end times." Bruce said and Zara nodded a little. 

Wanda poked Zara in the back making her jump a little and turn around. "Yeah?" She asked and Wanda looked over at the new thing in the middle of the room before turning back to Zara. 

"Can we really trust the Avengers?" She whispered and Zara just looked at her. 

"I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for them, and one of them is my best friend and he protects me like no one else ever has. Yes, we can trust them." Zara snapped and looked at Wanda for a response. 

"I thought Pietro and I protected you." She whispered. 

"You left me." Zara whispered making Wanda's face fall as she realized she was right. It was harsh but it was the truth. 

Zara turned back to what was happening and saw the new person(?) holding Thor's hammer. Everyone just stared at it and then Thor. 

Thor took his hammer and patted Stark on the shoulder. "Good job." He said as he walked away.

"Three minutes. Get what you need." Steve said and the rest of the team dispersed.  

Bucky turned around and looked at Zara. "You saw that right?" He asked and she nodded slowly. 

"I was so not ready for that." She whispered and then looked at him. All Zara wanted to do was hug him, but that didn't really seem appropriate in the situation she had put them in. 

They stayed there for what felt like days when Steve finally cleared his throat making them jump a little and look at him. 

"Zara, Tony would like to fix your jumpsuit a little bit." Steve said looking from Bucky to Zara. 

Zara looked back at Wanda and nodded a little before glancing up at Bucky before walking over to Tony. 

"You should go with her Buck, Tony wants to look at your arm really quick. Plus she hates Tony and you comfort her." Steve said before walking away. 

Wanda watched Bucky decide if he should follow Zara, knowing that he was going to follow her. She didn't have to be a mind reader to see that he had feelings for her, and she had feelings for him. 

Bucky walked over to where Tony was, working on the jumpsuits arms that Zara was wearing while talking to Thor and Steve. Zara looked up at him and smiled a little and then turned back towards what Tony was doing. Bucky gently put a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it slowly to relax her a little bit. 

Zara smiled a little as he massaged her shoulder. Tony finished up the repairs on her jumpsuit and waved over Bucky to sit down. She looked over to Bucky and smiled a little before getting up and walking over to where Wanda and Pietro were standing and talking in hushed voices. 

"Working with the Avengers means teamwork which means you have to work with Tony. I know he's a pain in the butt but you need to get over that to save Sokovia." Zara said and they both looked at her and nodded. 

"We know, and we're in. We just need to know if you're okay to work with us." Wanda said looking at Zara. 

"You made me go back there. You made me go back to that horrible, horrible place. You did that. I will always be a little bit angry at you for that, but I am able to work with you guys if that means taking down Ultron and saving our home." Zara said and Wanda and Pietro looked at each other. 

"What about you and the one with the metal arm?" Wanda asked and Zara just looked at her for a second. 

"Bucky? We're just friends." Zara said and Wanda shook her head and laughed a little bit. 

"We both know you both want more."Pietro said before walking away and to the QuinnJet. 

Zara just stared at them as they walked away and then looked back at Bucky who was still with Tony. She sighed a little before walking to the launch pad. 

Soon the whole team was there and was briefed on the plan. Everyone agreed with their part of the plan and was ready to go. Bucky pulled Zara off to the side before the Jet took off. 

"Listen, I need you to know this okay? What we're about to do does not change my feelings for you. No matter what, I will care about you, maybe more than you know, but I will always care about you." Bucky said kissing her forehead gently before walking onto the Jet leaving Zara frozen like a statue. 

"Come on Zara, we have to move!" Steve called to her, making her snap out of her trance and walk onto the Jet.

After Zara got in the Jet, the ramp closed and they were off to Sokovia.  

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