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Five years later.

Jimin and Y/N were still friends. In fact, three years ago during Jimin's junior year they started dating

Yoongi was okay with everything, in fact he found his own girlfriend and the two couples would go on double dates sometimes.

The only thing that made Jimin and Y/N's relationship difficult was that they always had to look at each other when speaking. They couldn't talk while driving, they couldn't talk while cuddling on the couch, they couldn't talk watching a movie. It was difficult but they both coped with it.

They loved each other.

Today, actually, marked their 3 years anniversary of dating and they were going to the park they had gone to on their first date.


"This place brings back memories." You stared at Jimin's lips as you read them. They were so plump and beautiful.. they still have yet to meet your's though.

"Yeah." You responded in awe as you watched some children play on the swings like Jimin and you used too. You taught him some KSL words while on the slide a couple of years ago. He sucked at it. It was so hard for him to learn it, which you understood. It was hard for you at first too. You gave up on him though.

You looked back up at Jimin to see him nervously looking down at you. "Are you okay?" You asked. You looked once again at his lips to read what they responded with.

"Look at my hands." He told you.

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked down to see him move them in and all-to-familiar pattern.

You nearly choked as you read his message.

'Y/N, I love you.'

'I love you too, Jimin.'

You started tearing up. You couldn't believe he learned KSL.. For you.

Seokjin was right. Not everyone was like your trash parents. Not everyone tried to make you comform to their ways, instead some people will adapt and allow you to join in and not kick you out.

A tear fell as you went in to hug Jimin.

He stopped you.

He got down on one knee.

You cried even harder.

He wiped your tears away so you could see him.

'You are the most sweetest, cutest, best person I ever met. From the first time I saw you, til now, I think that. I am so glad I didn't give up on you. I love you. Will you marry me?'

You couldn't help yourself.

You knocked him down onto the mulch and hovered over him and stared at his plump lips.

You wanted him to give consent before your lips met.

"Say yes and I will kiss you." Jimin offered. After reading his lips you bit your own. Of course you wanted to marry him and you also wanted to kiss him.

You grinned and stared straight into his eyes.

Only a man who loves you so much would spend 3 years learning KSL for you. Only a man who loves you wouldn't run away after learning about your past. Only a man who loves you wouldn't run away when they met your scary older brother.

"Yes. I will."

He wrapped his hands around your torso and pulled you closer down on top of him so he could kiss you for the first time.

rejected // PJM [short story]Where stories live. Discover now