Famous British Wizards

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  Britain has given birth to a myriad of wizards and
witches, all having contributed to the progress of the wizard community in some
way. Each wizard and witch that turns 17 comes of age and lays the foundation
for a progressive wizard community. They will become the future wand makers,
potion masters, seers, aurors and the like, and each bears a responsibility to
pass on something new to include in the knowledge tree of the different
branches of magic.

Throughout the course of history, there have been
a few individuals who have particularly stepped up and were recognized for
their contribution to wizard kind. They have created something that will
benefit future generations of wizards, or have sparked controversy that led to
a possible shift in the decision-making process. These wizards are to be
honored for they spent their lives shaping and re-forming wizarding society
into what we see today.

There are a total of 593 brilliant British wizards
honoured in the British Hall of Fame located in the Museum of Magic, Oxford.
They have made a significant contribution in a variety of ways, ranging from
the invention of the self-stirring cauldron, to the revision of Magical Rights
and Privileges. Noted wizards who are considered experts in their line of work
are honoured with the Order of Merlin. A dinner banquet is held at the end of
each year to recognize new and rising personalities, and to unveil their
painting in the British Hall of Fame. Paintings of their likeness are also
often hung in institutions where they once held office.

Muggle Relations: Sir Nicholas Weasley

Sir Weasley is an avid Muggle supporter and
confidante to the reigning Muggle monarch. He was born in Linconshire in 1901.
He was born a pureblood and was part of the only wizarding family in a Muggle
community. At the time, pureblood fanaticism was just a rumour, and his parents
allowed him to mingle with the Muggle children before he began studying at
Hogwarts. His friendship with Muggles lasted even as he spent his seven years
at Hogwarts. Every summer, he would return and immerse himself in the Muggle
way of life. He took up classes in Circuitry, the use of wires to transfer
'electricity', and Car Repair, to learn how to mend a certain form of Muggle
contraption used for travelling. He also studied Muggle Law and took up courses
at Oxford University where he received a degree in Legal Management. At the
time, Muggle relations were kept to a minimum, owing to the fact that Muggles
considered wizards to be dodgy characters. Upon his graduation, Sir Weasley
served as an advocate for Muggle relations as well as Muggle-born wizard
equality; wizards from Muggle families were considered a lower class to the
purebloods. Rallies and picket lines swept the country and he was often charged
and imprisoned for his cause. In 1954, a bill was passed that allowed all
Muggle-born wizards to be granted the same rights as pureblood wizards. An
office was set up in the Ministry of Magic to cater to all forms of
Muggle-related activities including: Muggle relations to the Prime Minister,
Misuse of Muggle Artefacts, Muggle-worthy Excuse Committee and the like.

Sir Weasley is also a very famous horticulturist
in the Muggle world. His contributions are often found unbelievable by many,
but his extensive knowledge in plant care has earned him the right to visit the
Royal gardens as he wishes. He was knighted in 1960 following his brave act of
rescuing Queen Elizabeth II from a very nasty encounter with the Devil's Snare
plant. He was also awarded the Order of Merlin First Class.

He currently consults for the Ministry of Magic
Muggle Relations division. He is the Director of the Wizard Herbologist Society
and a speaker at many Muggle conventions. He still resides in Linconshire
within an unplottable area surrounded by a forest of Bubotubers.

Beasts and Beings: Newton Artemis Fido Scamander

'Newt' Scamander is a very influential wizard in
the field of beast research. A graduate of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry, Mr. Scamander was already showing promise in the subject Care For
Magical Creatures at a young age. He excelled greatly in his N.E.W.T. exams
(perhaps because it shares the same letters as his nickname) which gave him the
opportunity to work for the Department for the Control and Regulation of
Magical Creatures. During his stay in the Ministry, he created the Werewolf
Register Act in 1947, and the Ban on Experimental Breeding Act in 1965. He used his contacts and experience during
his stay in the department as his references for the creation of his famous
book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find It, currently in its fifty-second
edition. Mr. Scamander also takes frequent trips abroad to hone his knowledge
of magical beasts. He was awarded the Order of Merlin, Second Class in 1979.

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