chapter 3

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Danny's p.o.v
I got up and immediately went to check up on Jorel he seemed good yesterday unlike the day before. "Yo Jorel how you doing" he didn't hear me so it took one of his earbuds out and I could hear the music blaring which didn't seem to sound like what he always listens to "hey Jorel what are you listening to" I asked, he showed me his phone it was "The Unforgiven" by Metallica, strange Jorel doesn't usually listento them, slayer yeah but not Metallica. "J how come you aren't listening to Slayer this morning"I asked "because I wanted to listen to Metallica today" he responded "Oh okay" I said. Then it just came out "jorel what happened the other day that got you mad, be honest, no lies" he stared at me with his dark eyes "if I tell you don't tell the others" he said in a serious tone, "ok I won't Jorel" I said. He let out a  sigh "me and Vanessa broke up" he said "thats it?" I asked, he looked down, I knew he was hiding some more information from me why didn't he want to tell me "Jorel there's something else isn't there, tell me please, I won't tell the others", I sounded like I wanted to know everything but I just wanted Jorel to let his thoughts out and it seemed like he needed it, "I can't tell you Danny, I'm sorry" he said "there's nothing to be afraid of you can tell me anything Jorel and I'll keep it between you and me" "promise?" He asked "I promise" I told him, "ok, the thing is I'm gay and Vanessa found out, I don't know how and that's why she broke up with me" he said as anger came out of him and punched the bunk next to his which was Charlie's bunk and yelled "J what the fuck man" wasn't the best choice because suddenly Jorel got out of his bunk and punched Jordon. Jordon just stared at him in disbelief, Jorel went out the door of the bus and now everyone was awake and we all just stood there in silence trying to process what had just happened.

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