Life before the poop

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Sanne is a young girl from the great country Holland. She decides to move to Australia to find to true love. The true love, she didn't find. Another day went by, and Sanne came home from a long day of working at the supermarket. Her apartment was small and smelled very badly. She decided to order a pizza and within thirty minutes the doorbell rings.

Ashton Irwin, who delivers pizza, stood there with a box in his hand. "Hey Ash." Sanne grinned.

"Hey Sanne, how's life?" He said, leaning casually at the door.

"My life is shit, I still didn't find true love." She bit her lip.

"Why don't you go out with me?" Ashton smiled. He had liked Sanne since she first ordered pizza.

"Ashton, you're nice. But I'd never go out with you. I need someone who's better than you. I'm so far out of your league." She rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm sorry I know." Ashton looked sad because of the mean words Sanne had said.

"My friend Jasmijn is available for you. I'll give you her number." Sanne said, to make Ashton a bit happier. Ashton nodded and Sanne gave Jasmijn's number at Ashton.

"Well, thanks. I've got to go." He mumbled.

"You should. I'm hungry and you ruin my appetite." Sanne said and threw the door in Ashton's face. She walked to the couch, wiggled her hot ass and watched tv while she ate her pizza. "Damn, why is this one so cold?"

The next day Sanne wakes up and she dressed herself in a outfit as hot as the pizza she ate yesterday. Then she makes her way to the supermarket, where she works.

"Hey Jasmijn." She said to her best friend who was so hot that everything around her intermediately started melting.

"Hi honey, thanks for giving that hot pizza boy my number." She squirts.

"You're welcome, I thought he'd be better for you." Sanne winked. "Well, what's on our planning?"

"You mean your planning. I'm working as a lawyer now. I'm just here to get breakfast." Jasmijn smiled.

"Well, too bad, I heard being a lawyer gets paid very bad." Sanne chuckled, laughing at Jasmijn's stupid decision.

"Your boss is off to a conference but left you a note. You're going to clean the toilets today." Jasmijn grabbed a cookie and left. Sanne noticed that there wasn't anyone who used the bathroom today so she just sat there. She took a cookie for breakfast. "Hey little bummel." She said to the cookie.

Then a black man with a gun came in.

Hey Sanne this is a short ass chapter but I don't care next chapter will be uploaded in a few.

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