the hole

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i know how it feels. i know how when you just feel sad, and you just want to stare into space and think of sad sad scenarios that most probably wouldn't happen, but you want to scare yourself anyways. and I know that sinking feeling. the hole.

we all feel it, don't we? you know the one. it isn't in the heart. it's right deep down in the centre. your heart's at your left, but this is centre. it's right in the centre of your entire being. it isn't an organ but it's emotionally there, so scientists can't tell or see it there. they speak by logic, so of course the hole is invisible to them.

the hole is really special, to say the least.

i feel it when i'm depressed. when i'm crying in the shower thinking of how ugly, how imperfect i am. i sit under cold pelting waters while listening to sad songs and then i'll just feel waves of pain coming over, then over again. and it comes at the hole.

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