Date Headcanons

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<just some fluff headcanons about Keith and Lance that I personally love>

Keith would offer to pay for the date but Lance would have to refuse the offer until their argument was pointless and Keith would end up paying for it as he planned in the first place.

Both Keith and Lance would be trying to make a move on each other no matter the situation.

Lance would get competitive if they were to go to a carnival or a fair.

Keith would try to win a stuffed animal for Lance and possibly vice versa to one-up each other.

Keith calling Lance "Babe" for the entire date and would just flash his smile. 

Both spooning each other and falling asleep in each other's arms 

Keith staring into Lance's eyes and describing the color and comparing it to the ocean and the night sky

Lance just wrapping his arms around Keith and making him feel safe

<if you have any other headcanons, please leave them in the comments and maybe leave an idea for the next set of headcanons. thank you and have a wonderful week my beautiful readers>

Klance Headcanons I LOVETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon