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I know
Nobody starts a essay with "dude"
But I want to say every word the way they came to my mind

Dude, life is so hard sometimes
You think you can trust on someone
But than you are disappointed man
I don't know what to do
Why not?
Man, I love smile, I love my friends and family
AND man
Sometimes is hard not to think about suicide
But am...
When I'm sad, someone make me happy with just a smile
So I think
I can help someone that is sad with a smile
That's why I don't kill my self
The moment I can't help anybody
That moment I will consider suicide

Everybody thinks that I am the perfect girl
With pretty hair
Pretty smile
Super hot
And super beautiful
I can't see me in that way
I just think that I am the weird girl I was
But it doesn't matter
People think that I'm perfect
And they think that just because I'm perfect outside I am inside too
No man
I have serious psychological issues
And when people treat me like shit just because of that
I don't know man
I lose my hope on the world
People need to stop
Don't judge a book by its cover man
That's hurts
Because you think that I'm am fine and you want to put me down
I don't know why dude
But you do
But I am so bad
And you treat me like shit
I feel like shit than
And that's make me worst
Thanks dude
You are a horrible friend
But you make me see that you and someone else are

I thought that I was alone
I catch all the problems for myself
And that made me bad
super bad
With all the pain
I started to be rude with my friends
But that hurts so much so I Didn't see
Once I fight with a friend
And she said everything to me
All my mistakes
I got it
I had being a terrible friend for MONTHS!!!
I needed to change
So I did it
I talked to my friends somethings
And that relived my pain
Than I started to be nice with everybody again
Just for them don't suspect anything
I don't want they worried
What I learned is that
You are never
Don't forget it, and if you don't have friends to talk about it
I can help
Or your parents
Or a professional help
Just say something
It's gonna help a lot man.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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