Ch. 3

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It kind of gets lonely at my house because my mom is constantly working and I don't see my dad. My mom and dad separated when I was five years old. I don't remember much about him and I haven't seen him since he left. I remember the police having to come to the house because he wouldn't leave and he wanted me to go with him. If I had a chance to go and live with him now, I'm not so sure I'd want to. I don't want to see how happy he is with his new wife and kids. A part of me wished he would have stayed but then sometimes I think it was best.

I wasn't really thinking when I asked Kaitlyn to come over. I mean I definitely want her here but I don't just bring someone home after I just met them. I was kinda paranoid because I didn't think she would want to come but she did.

"So if you're from Africa... why are you white. "

"Oh, my God, Karen you can't just ask people why their white."

I suggested that we watch a movie and Kaitlyn requested Mean Girls. Kaitlyn and I sit on the couch in the living room digging our hands in a bowl of popcorn while laughing at the stupid things Karen says.


"Okay lets play a game." After we finished the movie, Kaitlyn and I went up to my room.

"Um I don't know what game to play because it's only us. There isn't much to do..."

"How about... truth or dare?"

"Fine." It was only the two of us so I didn't know what we would do.

"Okay wait I have an idea. " Kaitlyn pulls out her phone and dials a number. It rings three times before someone picks up.

"Hey, Kaitlyn. What's up?"

"Hi, Olivia. Wanna face time with me and my friend, Riley? Were gonna play truth or dare."

I hear a laugh from the other end and then I see a girl's face show up on the phone. The girl, I suppose is Olivia has strawberry blonde hair and eyes blue as the sea. She is actually really pretty.

"So this is my awesome new friend, Riley. Riley meet Olivia. Olivia meet Riley." Kaitlyn introduces me and Olivia to each other as we say hi. "So lets get started" She smiles.


"Truth or dare, Olivia" I ask Olivia with a smile on my face.

"Hmm.. dare." Perfect.

"I dare you to go up to your mom and start screaming then when she does or says something say, 'Hey what's for dinner?'" Olivia and Kaitlyn laugh at this and I smile.

Olivia takes her phone and walks up to her mom. She puts her hands on each side of her face and starts screaming. Kaitlyn and I try and not laugh. Olivia's mom looks at her like a lunatic.

"Olivia what the hell are you doing" Her mom just stands there yelling over her daughter's screaming.

Olivia stops screaming and stares at her mom, "Hey what's for dinner?"

"Uh steak with mash potatoes and veggies..." Olivia walks back up the stairs without another word. Kaitlyn and I just erupt in giggles.

"Okay, Okay. Kaitlyn, truth or dare?" Olivia asks Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn has a smile on her face.

"Dare." Uh-oh I wonder what Olivia is going to make her do.

"I dare you to kiss the most beautiful girl you see." I know that Olivia will be the one getting a "kiss" because she is way beautiful. I'm just eh.

I'm too busy comparing myself to Olivia to even realize Kaitlyn has gotten closer to my face. In a matter of seconds the space between Kaitlyn and I is closed and I feel her soft lips on mine.

It takes me a few seconds to register what's happening and I kiss back. I feel something I haven't felt before when kissing Justin. I feel my stomach erupt in raging butterflies. I feel everything slip away in a matter of seconds. The kiss is more passionate than need, Justin's kisses are filled with need while Kaitlyn's lips cause full on passion. This feels so right yet so wrong. Kaitlyn's hands rest on each side of my waist pulling me closer to her. My tongue grazes over her lips as if asking for permission to enter. Just as my tongue is granted permission, I hear someone clear their throat.

I jump back realizing Olivia was still there. My cheeks begin to heat up and turn bright red like a tomato. Olivia just smiles and shakes her head.

"I can sense the passion. God damn, Kaitlyn. Ha ha, I guess I'll leave you two alone." Olivia winks and hangs up. Shit, now this is just awkward.

We sit in silence for a while. And sadly it's not the comfortable kind. It's straight up awkward.

"So uh... wow. Damn, just wow," Kaitlyn uses her two fingers to touch her plump pink lips. I look at her just to find her eyes on me. I don't know what made do it but I lean in closer to her. She looks at me confused for a second then realization hits her and she relaxes.

Our lips are connected and are moving in rhythm. It doesn't take long for her tongue to enter my mouth. Our tongues dance in each others mouths. She moves her hands to wrap around my neck while mine are planted around her waist. The feelings from before are back and stronger than ever. I start to forget everything and everyone. Justin, McKenzie, Vanessa, my Mom, everyone. It's just Kaitlyn and me, in our own world.

I don't know how but we end up on the bed. I'm on top of Kaitlyn, examining her beauty. She reaches up and starts to lift her shirt up but I stop her before she is topless. Kaitlyn looks up at me and suddenly her cheeks are flushed.

"I-I'm.. Oh gosh. I'm so sorry. I just... uh I'll just leave," she stumbles as she begins to gather her book bag.

"No. Stay, it's just I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry." I honestly don't know what to do now because we just made out. This is just so confusing. I mean she is beautiful, there is no denying that but I have a boyfriend. I don't think that this is what I want or what she wants. Ugh that's so fucking stupid, Riley. Of course you want this. You're just afraid of what people will say. Oh my freaking gosh this is just so confusing.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me. I knew you had a boyfriend but I guess I was just being self-fish. Your just so beautiful and sweet and so tempting. It's stupid but I guess my mind took over my actions." Kaitlyn starts to fidget and she looks guilty. She just called me beautiful. Ugh my stupid brain.

"Oh... I think it's best we just forget it happened, until my feelings are all sorted out because this is just so confusing." I really don't know what to do now. I feel so guilty because I literally just cheated on Justin and I'm leading Kaitlyn on. Your stupid, Riley. Fuck you, Brain. God I swear I'm becoming crazy. I'm already fighting with myself.

"Okay. Again, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking stupi-"

"Stop. Don't say that. Do you want me to drive you home?" Kaitlyn just nods her head. She grabs her sweater and book bag and heads downstairs. I grab my sweater and follow behind her. My mom still isn't home so it's pretty quite. Well, besides Brownie who is teething her stuffed hamburger.

When we settle in the car I turn on the engine and start to drive toward Kaitlyn's house. Yo, Stupid. You don't even know where she lives. Shit.

"Uh where do you live?"

"Just turn left and at the second stop sign turn right. It's the small yellow house," I nod and turn left.

"Here we are." I pull in front of the yellow house and climb out. I go to the passenger side and open the door for Kaitlyn. She mumbles a thank you and I walk her up to the white door of the house. When we reach the door, she kisses my cheek and goes inside.

Ugh, Riley you are in some deep shit. Wow my brain is seriously pissing me off but for once its right. I am in some deep shit.

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