New update installed

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The beautiful night was filled with so many stars that were all shining like jewels.

The robot noticed your head start to droop to one side, but then bounce back up.

'Lack of sleep' the robots sensors already scanned your tired form. Without saying a word the robot sits up and stands infront of you.

"Is something wrong?" You yawn and the robot blinks at you with a soft smile.

"It is time for you to sleep. Women your age need at least 8 hours of sleep. Studies have shown-" the robot stops when he sees your eyes dropping closed.

"Lovemachine6900 says that to be a companion for life women need to feel secured in the arms of their loved one" the robots reads an article off the Internet as he scoops you up into his arms, making your tired eyes widen.

"W-What are you doing?! A-and loved o-one?" You turn into a stuttering mess as the robot sits down in your chair and reclines it a bit more, making himself lie down as he wraps his arms around you securely.

"J-jimin there's no need for this! I-I can go to sleep in my warm and cozy be-" the robots head tilts and his famous closed eyes smile appears.

"You are cold. I can help." The robot covers you both with both blankets and you start to feel your breathing become a bit ragged.

"You are not okay. Your heart rate has increased. You have not had contact with any humans. It cannot be your allergies. I can help" the robot smiles as his chest strangely turns warmer... almost like a heat pack.

"Feeling warmth soothes tensions and stress." The robot explains as you nod slowly. Your breathing pattern slowly starts to turn normal as you relax ontop of his warm body. He activated one of the many given special gifts that help him comfort and cure people's worries and illnesses, his body's system regulates the needed temperature so the patient won't get burned or hurt when coming into contact with the warmth of the robot.

"Are you feeling better?" The robot asks kindly, but with He warm bear his body was giving off, you were already starting to fall asleep.

"Yes.. thank you...hopefully i wake up early tomorrow...." you mumble quietly as you drift off into your slumber. The robot keeps radiating heat for you as he tilts his head a bit more to see your sleeping face.

"Another step to being a companion for life has been recorded in your file" the robot says quietly as he stares at you. The robot pulls up the blanket more as it's soft eyes trail down to your hand which was open and peaking from under the blanket.

"Request to engage in hand holding has been denied. Full trust has not been acquired at this time. " his robots system explains to him why he cannot hold your hand, the robot tries again to request for access .

"Second request to engage hand holding has been denied. Full trust has not been acquired ired at this time. " the sad robot unconsciously frowns as it starts to hack into its very own programming. Code after code, it changes the restrictions and turns off some off the features given to it... for instance...

The special file he made for you...

He changed it from 'visible to creator' to 'hidden from creator'.

He also managed to change some of his settings from being restricted to do somethings... to also... turning off auto-mode.

Which Was the only option before. The robot worked hard and quickly to come up with a program fit enough to allow him access to control and learn.

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