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'Liza Strucker. The normal teen, the perfect one.' She read the report her teacher sent her college administrater. 'Haha' She thought. Kayla walked in with snacks and sat on the bed. "Your still reading that stupid report?" Kayla said with a small groan. Liza had been reading the report all morning, and it made her shocked that they actually thought she was perfect. Perfection wasn't something in her dictionary.

"It makes me laugh." She smiled looking at Kayla.

"Keep reading it, your parents are gonna think somethings wrong." Kayla said eating a cheeto.

"Whatever, we have to get ready for the dance tonight so...." Liza said standing up and grabbing her red dress.

"I don't know, i feel like something bad is gonna happen.." Kayla said with a worried face.

"What do you mean?" Liza furrowed her eyebrows while putting her hair curler on.

"It's just a gut feeling." Kayla said standing up.

"Well, if something happens, we can help. Plus, Lauren and Andy are going, so we can just hang with them." Liza said checking her phone then walking into the bathroom and changing into her dress.

"You really want to hang with your brother and sister?" Kayla said zipping up her dress.

"Not hang out with them, just be around them." Liza chuckled, "Plus, Lauren is gonna go to her boyfriend. We can hang with Andy. Okay, how do i look?" Liza walked out of the restroom with her red knee-length dress.

"You look, wow. All the boys are gonna want you tonight." Kayla said and both of them chuckled.

"Trust me, i won't want them." Liza said brushing her hair.

The two ladies finished their hair and their makeup. They grabbed coats, put them on, and went downstairs. They took pictures with the parents, Andy and Lauren, and together. Then they hopped in the car, and drove to the dance.

When they walked in, teenagers were dancing, and grinding on eachother. Normal teenage stuff. Of course, Lauren went off with her boyfriend, leaving Andy, Liza, and Kayla by themselves. 

"We're gonna go get punch, we'll be right back." Liza said to Andy.

"Y'all do know it's spiked, right?" Andy said with a small smile on his lips.

Kayla and Liza chuckled then walked away.

Kayla and Liza went to a punch table and poured them some punch. When they walked back to Andy, he wasn't there. They saw the boys locker room door shut, and got cautious. After a while, they started hearing things and the building started shaking. Liza, and Kayla stood up, and felt the currents of the power pull them to the boys locker room. They walked in and saw pipes bending, things getting thrown, and Andy on the floor.

They also noticed, teenage boys running away from him. Of course Liza recognized them to be the boys who bully Andy at school, on a regular bases. A couple of seconds later, Lauren ran in. They ran towards Andy trying to calm him down.
Lauren, Liza, Andy, and Kayla, all made it out of the now collapsed building. When they got home, they explained everything to their mom, while Kayla explained with them.

But deep down, they were all scared. Why? Because Reed, their father, worked with Sentinel Services. A place where if a mutant even shows there powers, they'd be taken, and locked up. For good.
to be continued


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