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I’ve thought this through, and here’s my conclusion: I am going to lie.

In a nutshell, I am supposed to get into Brendon’s good books and unearth a secret society. That is obviously not happening, because Brendon hates me. I will tell Pete that I am making progress, but in the end will conclude that there never was a secret society. My tuition fees get paid anyway.

In fact, they have been paid. I log in to the university network to check my student profile, and under finance, it says that I am on private funding and that my fees have been paid for this academic year. Pete has already paid for the job, and I guess that makes me his slave. But Brendon said I won’t be getting into Sigma Chi Beta, and I think he was right. Tonight is the last night of rush week, and there’s a massive party in the frat house. It’s been a fun week, but it’s coming to an end. I won’t get in, but Pete has already paid my fees.

I win. Others lose.

I decide to celebrate the evening by getting utterly shitfaced. I want to forget Brendon’s bitchy attitude towards me and my failure to become a Sigma. I should have known I’d never fit in; I am too artistic and insightful to be stuck with a bunch of idiotic and immature Sigmas. The beer is free so I keep drinking. I find William in the common room and, after a few drinks, confide in him.

“You know Brendon, right?”

“Yeah, fantastic guy,” William nods. “We study together sometimes, you know, because of my Music minor, so he helps me out every now and then.”

“Well, has he ever said anything about me?”

“Not that I recall,” William frowns. “Why?”

I shrug. “It’s just that… I really don’t think he likes me.”

“Come on, Brendon likes everyone,” William laughs.

“Not me, he doesn’t,” I correct him before sighing. My eyes land on Brendon talking to Gabe by the doors of the dining room. I don’t know why it bothers me so much that Brendon doesn’t like me. Maybe it’s because in my head we got along well, but reality is so different. Also, it must be because no one has this openly shown their dislike for me before. It’s hard to deal with the knowledge that someone just really seems to wish I disappeared from the face of this planet.

“It must have been a misunderstanding,” William shrugs. I say nothing and focus on getting drunk. One more beer in, William asks me, “So how are things with Spencer?”

I nod. “Good. I mean, he’s a nice guy.”

“You two make a cute couple,” William observes, and I choke on my drink.

“What?” I ask in horror. “We’re not a couple!” I quickly correct him.

William laughs. “Really? Spencer’s told everyone you are…”

“He’s what?” I nearly spit. I quickly spot Spencer in the common room and give William a smile. “Excuse me, would you?” I say through gritted teeth and march over. Spencer is making assumptions, spreading rumours, and when the fuck did we become a couple?

“Spencer,” I almost snap as I take his arm and pull us away from his company.

“Ryan!” he beams at me with bright blue eyes. He starts speaking as I lead us to a quiet corner. “You’re a Virgo, right? I was thinking about that this morning, you really strike me as a Virgo.”

I frown at him. “Uh, yeah, I am –”

“I knew it!” he says and attempts to high-five me, but I keep my hands by my sides.

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