Day 4

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I woke up to my mom barging in my door at 8:00 AM, trying to get me to wake up because I was gonna miss my 8:15 AM bus. As I began to wake up to her yelling, 

"Get up now Jessica, your gonna miss the bus and I still need to use your car", and to her shaking me. 

I roll over startled by her aggression and yell, "Okay, Okay I'm awake! I'm sorry I slept through my alarm again."

She lets go of me and beings toward the door, turning around as she opens the door telling me," Don't forget I'm using your car again, so you may want to get up or your gonna miss your bus. Or you can walk, whatever you want to do to get to school on time."

I yelled back, "Yes ma'am, Love you", as she exited the door. She then did her classic fake mom task of not saying anything back.

I got up and slowly got dressed, deciding to wear a dark pair of ripped jeans and a black cropped zip-up hoodie that sat right above my jeans. Oh, and my black high-top Vans. By the time I finished getting ready, it was too late to get to the bus, so I just started walking. As I was walking to school, I hear this noise behind me, almost like the noise of a skateboard hitting the sidewalk behind me. I choose to ignore it figuring its some kid going to school like me, but then I hear the noise stop and footsteps coming up behind me. I turn around to the find the guy who ran into me yesterday reaching out to tap me. I move my shoulder out of the way of his hand as it came towards me. He finally processes my reaction and puts his hand down.

He says with more jubilation then I needed on a school morning, "Hey, you're the girl from yesterday right?"

I stare at him trying to decide if I should respond and see where this conversation goes or if I should just turn around and ignore him. I look him in the eyes and all I see is the joy in them. It takes me second but I finally respond with a little more sarcasm then I meant, "I don't know, are you the guy that ran into me yesterday?"

He responds with sarcasm back to me, "Yeah, I guess I am. You gonna fight me or something?"

I try to hide my smile and laugh but it escapes my lips without my permission. I look at him finally taking in his appearance. He is wearing a dark green shirt, black ripped jeans and dark green vans to match the shirt. He has dark brown semi-long hair, dark green eyes, with olive skin, and a nose and ear piercings to go along with it. He honestly is attractive but not what I would normally go for. 

I respond trying to match his sarcasm, "Maybe I am trying to fight, would be good to get kicked out now then wait right?"

He laughs at my remark, personally, I didn't think it was that funny but who knows maybe I'm funny now.

He looks me up and down and asks with a grin, "So are you going to tell me your name, or will I have to figure it out some other way?"

I step closer to him and whisper, "Well, I try to keep my identity a secret but since you are the first person to make me laugh since I got to this hell hole, its Jessica, but you can call me Jessi."

He asks, "Do I get the last name too or just the first for now?"

I respond with an eye roll, "Your gonna have to make me laugh a lot more to get my last name!"

"Okay, Okay, guess we will have to work on that", he says.

We continue our way to school, telling jokes and laughing way more than I have in the past few years. Once we arrive at school, we go our separate ways to class, but not before he offers for me to join him and his friends for lunch. I don't want to get his hopes up, not that I honestly think he cares, but I tell him I will have to let him know, knowing I probably won't show up.....Guess we will have to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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