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The next day Lydia told Allison everything that her and Stiles did last night."thank you for last night Stiles"Lydia said and then Stiles said"no propz."At six o'clock Stiles went to Lydia's house he sat on her bed Lydia sat down aswell.They shuffled closer and closer then they kissed but her mum walked in a and caught them kissing her mum wasn't pleased at all.Stiles went home his dad was very angry his dad and Lydia's mum said they weren't aloud to see each other again.The next day Stiles told Scott everything Scott said ."why did you do this it could ruin our friendship just don't even speak to me man,your just a jerk."Scott walked away and Lydia walked over to Stiles she said"I think we're going to stop going out only because I wanted you and Scott to still be friends but me and you are still friends ye."ye sure"Stiles replied.

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