14 -Day The Fifteenth-

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-Day The Fifteenth-

Wednesday, week 6

Lydia was beginning to regret her decision. She really wished that she had thought about it more before she told Ray that she'd continue to be friends with him. Lydia had never felt for someone like she did for Ray and she hated it. She hated how she couldn't stop the unsettled feeling in her stomach whenever he was around her. She hated how much she wanted to be closer to him. She hated how nothing else in the whole world mattered when he touched her.

Most of all, she hated him for being him. She hated him for being someone who she never thought she would fall for. She hated him for not being an asshole. She hated him for being so much better than her.

She pulled up her handbag on her shoulder. She always double checked that it was closed properly and made sure to cover the zipper with her arm. Since she had started living in the city, she had started to spot pickpockets everywhere. In front of her, unzipping the front of a student's backpack. Beside her, reaching into a middle aged man's back pocket. Near the ATM, preying on an unsuspecting tourist who had just withdrawn money.

She could see the yellow shop front of Juice, the smoothie place that probably had the best fruit drinks that she had ever tasted. Ray was standing in front of it, a cigarette between his lips, drawing in the toxins that would most likely lead to various health problems.

Another reason not to like him, she told herself.

Smoking was something that Lydia had always tried to hate about Ray. Never had she been a fan of it, seeing as she had watched someone basically lose their lung function because of it. Lydia pinched herself for thinking for a brief moment that Ray looked good smoking. Nobody looked good smoking because smoking was something that people did to impress their peers and they might as well stamp 'insecure' on their foreheads for giving in to the pressure.

Ray spotted her and walked towards her, dropping his cigarette into a bin in the process. He grinned at her. "Hey, how ya doing?"

"Alright, I guess. Is there a bathroom around here?" she asked him, suddenly remembering that she had drank a whole bottle of water before she left her house and now she really needed to pee.

"Yeah," he said, walking into the shop with Lydia following. Then he pointed to the toilet door. "I'll get you a drink while you're in there."

Lydia went into the bathrooms as Ray joined the queue. She used the toilet, then washed her hands, looking at herself in the mirror as she did so. Lydia was the sort of person who couldn't pass a mirror without looking at her reflection. But was it considered vain when she was looking for faults in her reflected self? She fixed a stray curl, tucking it under another piece of hair because it was annoyingly frizzy compared to the rest of her perfectly styled hair. She lightly added another coat of dark pink lipstick, blotting it to get rid of the shiny look that annoyed the hell out of her.

When she was confident that her flaws were fixed, she walked out of the bathrooms. She was just in time because Ray had just been handed the two drinks by the teenage girl behind the counter. The girl was staring at Ray dreamily as he handed Lydia her drink and Lydia shot her a dirty look instinctively. The girl looked away quickly, blushing furiously.

Lydia almost slapped herself. She wasn't supposed to be acting like that any more. She wasn't supposed to feel envious about girls who looked at Ray. Ray was good looking- she'd give him that. He had a sort of 'busy man' look because he was never clean shaven and his light brown hair was always a bit of a mess. His clothes were never exactly stylish, usually he wore a tee-shirt or a plaid shirt with jeans. He wasn't exactly tall but she wouldn't describe him as small either because he still dwarfed her.

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