Broken Reality Hard To Catch Chapter 1!

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Broken Reality
Chapter 1
Created October 2018
Created By The Warrior
Mind Drifter

The only thing that matters is to live and die in love
For the rest is just illusions pointing to the means.
When the illusion is not seen for what it is as the
pointer then the illusion becomes the distractor
from truth.

He says a warrior too busy working on himself
has no room to help anybody else so the
world must crumble. He laughs watching
the chaos on the streets enjoying it all.

A bullet flies in through the window and
goes through his head. He falls to the floor.

She puts up her gun and looks away from
the window. She walks into battle on
the streets to help protect lives.
Hara rushes over to his building as it
blows up.

I must say your last moments were amazing.
You did exactly as directed. Dying wasn't a
part of it of course but stuff happens. That
Is of course that you actually died and that
wasn't just a mislead perception.

In the hands of life death is only an illusion.
An illusion is exactly who and what you are.
You are just a distraction to hide the truth.
Thanks to you the illusion that this world
was saved was created and now I can
peacefully continue my work.

This world is not the same as theirs.
This world was born in darkness.
This world is darkness. The thing
about it is that light comes and the
darkness of this world is masked
for only a time.

When that light leaves the world it returns to
it's natural form which is darkness. Darkness
Is always present because the present of this
world is only as it always has been. The darkness.

The warriors train to create and bring light to
a darkened world but the truth is nobody has
to train anybody to be the darkness. The natural
form of this entire world.

How do warriors obtain immortality? The only
way possible to obtain it. They use those portal
things to escapes this world and live in a world
of their own.

In this world only I am immortal. The darkness
never dies but is only hidden for a time under the
light that comes here. Wipe out that light and the
truth reveals itself. The light is only eternal in
the other world but in this one only darkness
Is eternal.

How do you think the famous warrior saying came
to be? The light in the darkness. It means a light
from another world has entered this world. My
world. The world of darkness.

Everybody thinks the warriors are immortal
but I assure you they're not. You distracted
them enough to get them into my world.
Now they are only mortal and I will finish
It all right here.

This world is mine forged completely in darkness
and it will remain mine. The light shall shine no
longer. Those portals are the gateway entry
for warriors and light to enter. Close them
and only the real reality is left to live in.

The darkness within this world not the light
within their world. The fight and the war
Is at its close. I however am not done
with your distractions.

In the hands of life death is only an illusion.
They they once died are only resting and
waiting to be awoken once again. The
darkness is upon us.

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