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Maya's P.O.V

I had just finished my homework and was scrolling through instagram when Spencer texted me.

Spence: What are you up to?

Me: Nothing. Honestly, I'm bored AF.

Spence: Come sleep over, I have booze.

Me: Why do I always have to come over? You come over.

Spence: I'm the one with the booze, are you coming or not?

I rolled my eyes.
Me: I'm on my way

I chuckled and shook my head as I put on a warm gown over my pyjamas. I was a little excited because I knew drunk Spencer was a good time.

"Open the door. It's freaken cold out here." I yelled after ringing the doorbell for the second time.

"Hey Maya." Spencer gushed and hugged me tightly. She was already tipsy. "Everyone is in the barn cause Melissa might come over."

"Everyone?" I frowned as we made our way to the barn.

"Yep." She said as if that answered my question. "Look who I found!" She yelled as we walked into the living room. Emily and Hannah were sprawled on a mattress on the floor in front of the TV.

"Maya." Hannah smiled. Emily glanced at me and smiled. "Come quickly, it's getting to the good part."

Spencer and I sat down on the couch behind them. The room was nice and warm, nothing like outside. Spencer poured me a huge glass of wine before Hannah grabbed the remote. "What are you guys watching?"

"Girls trip." Emily answered.

"Shhh." Hannah hissed as Spencer was telling me where they were in the movie.

It was the scene where Jada Smith hooks up with that hunk of chocolate.
"Maya, do you have a brother or cousin like that?"

I chuckled. "What about Caleb?"

She rolled her eyes and sat up a little. "Not for me, for Spencer." We all laughed at that.

"I don't know." I frowned. "I think he'd be good for Emily." Emily nearly choked on her wine causing more laughter.

Spencer shook her head. "Oh, no. Em is like a total prude."

"Wait." Hannah lifted her arms up to silence us. "Maya has a point. It's always the quiet ones."

"Exactly." I chuckled.

Spencer frowned. "I don't think she's ready for all that juiciness."

"Nah, I think she can handle it." I said. "Right Emily?"

"Totally" Her eyes bulged. "Wait what?" She looked at me and started blushing. The others didn't pick up on that.

"I'm more of a Michael B. Jordan kind of girl." Spencer smirked.

"More like a Toby kind of girl." Hannah mumbled but Spencer heard it.

Spencer threw popcorn at Hannah. "Fuck you."

We drank some more and talked, paying no attention to the TV. Before we knew it, it was 2a.m. Hannah stood up unsteadily. "I call dibs on the bed."

"Me too!" Spencer quickly said. "You snooze you lose." She laughed at that as they stumbled to the bedroom.

"I guess that just leaves me and you." Emily shrugged.

I got onto the mattress next to her. "You wanna watch something?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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