Ebbah's Letter

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Dear Oxton, You don't know this but I really like you. Everytime I see you I blush and get butterflies in my stomach. I want to tell you how I feel but I am afraid you won't fell the same. So, I guess, that is why I decided to write it in this letter. I see you a lot in school but you never notice me. You make me feel confused but I love the feeling. Maybe, just maybe, that is the feeling of love. Whenever I am around you it is always really awkward......but I sorta like it. I mean, if there is anyone I would wanna be awkward with it would be you. You make me smile...even when the stuff you do is plain crazy!!! You are very different to me but I like that. There are definitely things that you will hate about me and even though I might be sad, I will still understand. Well, this is getting cringe so I should stop or I'll bore you.  From, Ebbah

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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