I deserve to die...

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Brook ran out in the hallway, and walking in the living-room/Mindy room. Rye and Andy walked out as they heard the door slam*
Rye "What's happening?"
Brook "Jack... he just completely... He began to cry and saying that he couldn't.."
Andy "Couldn't What?"
Brook "he didn't say... he just ran of?"
Rye "then run after him"
*Ethan and Mikey went out in the hallway to, wondering what's wrong*
Rye "Ethan you where together with Jack today what happened"
Ethan "Nothing..."
Andy "There must be something?..."
Ethan "I mean..." *He says with a smirk on his face*
*Rye went over to Ethan and pushed against the wall*
Rye "What did you do to Jack?" *He says madly. The other boys have a weird/terrified look on their face, they've never seen Rye act like that*
Ethan "Dude relax"
Rye "TELL ME!"
Ethan "We just had a little bit of fun"
Brook "What's that supposed to mean?"
*Ethan looked into Ryes eyes, as he still was pined to the wall*
Ethan "Believe me, when I say this. He wanted me, all of me"
*As Ethan says that Rye took him down and punched him right in his face*
Andy "Omg Ryan!!.." *Andy yelled*
*Ethan punched Rye back, but Rye is strong and punches Ethan again, and he landed on the ground. Rye lay himself on Ethan and punched him again and again until he could see blood on Ethan's face*
Andy "Rye!" *Rye kept punching him*
Andy "Rye! It's enough"
*He says and pulled Rye up. Brook ran out the apartment and on to the rooftop. Saw Jack standing on the edge looking down to the ground. Tears where forming in Brooks eyes*
Brook "What did he do to you?"
Jack "He... He.. raped... me. I can't live in this body anymore. He completely destroyed me"
Brook "Jack please don't do this"
Jack "I just want to die... I want this pain to end" *Crying*
Brook "Please come back in... I love you, he's gonna pay for what he has done to you"
*The other boys come out on the rooftop to*
Jack "You can't promise that... if I just go one more step all of this could be over"
Brook "No it wouldn't, he would win. You would give in to him, you would leave me"
Jack "I already gave in that night, the day after, and after and after just doing the same shit to me..."
Brook "Nothing can ever compares to what he has done to you... but please don't do this" *Tears started to fell down his cheek*
Jack "I can't live anymore..."
Brook "Let us help you. I can help you. We will fight. Fight for justice. He's going to rod in prison. Jack listen to me... I love you Okay! We can fight this"
Jack "I just want to die... I deserve to die, I don't have a place in this world anymore. Not after what he did to me... *He turned around facing Brook and the others with tears streaming down his cheeks* He took away my pride, he ruined my life I'm never gonna be the same again. I'm never getting that back he took from me. God damn Brook he raped me" *As Jack says that he falls down to his knees crying and sobbing with his head down to his knees. Brook quickly ran over to Jack and hugged him*
Brook "I'm so so sorry I wasn't there for you. I love you with all my heart, I will never leave your side again"
*Jack fell down into Brooks shoulder holding tight around his waist so he couldn't let go of him*
Jack "He Raped me..."
Brook "I know, I'm so so so sorry I wasn't there"
Jack "Please don't ever leave me again"
Brook "I'm never leaving. And he is gonna pay for what he has done to you"

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