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I smiled as my sister drifted off, her face relaxing, her shoulders sagging, and her hands that were clutching the armrests anxiously, releasing. She deserved some sleep. I knew she had been hiding the fact that she wasn't sleeping for the last couple weeks but I could tell. The way she carried herself shifts when she's anxious. She should know by now to stop trying to hide stuff from me. I'm basically a living lie detector when it comes to Keith. Brotherly love I guess.

I looked back at my paper and started sketching out a small butterfly. As I concentrated, it flitted off the page and started exploring the space around my hands. It's little wings creating a soft wind against my skin. I heard footsteps and quickly crushed the butterfly in my hand. I felt it's wings crumple, its body twitch before dying, but I didn't feel bad. I had learned a while ago that the things I created didn't last long and weren't really real. Just my imagination projected into reality for a short period of time. I flashed back to when I- A long finger tapped on my shoulder and I shuddered, the memory dissipating.

I turned to face the person the finger had come from and internally slapped myself. It was the flight attendant, a woman with leaf green skin who's ears resembled those of a rabbit. She swiveled them slightly as she looked down at me with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Excuse me sir, we do not permit quirks to be used on this plane. It's just too dangerous. If this happens again you will be kept in a secure area until landing. Sorry for the inconvenience."

I mumbled an apology back and rolled my eyes as soon as she turned away. I can't believe people who's quirks can't "turn off" get their own section of the plane. A nice section of the plane. Just because little miss sunshine can't stop glowing doesn't mean she deserves free meals and more leg room.

I huffed and looked back at my sister. She looked so peaceful when she slept. I was suddenly filled with a tinge of jealousy. Her quirk was so much more useful than mine. I would much rather be able to run faster than the speed of sound than be able to make stuff that lasts up to only 8 minutes. I can't even make anything useful! Although I have played some pretty good pranks. Filled a bucket that I created with water and hung it over my sister as she slept only to have it disappear and leave her wet and me in my bed, clearly innocent. But still, running is something my sister has always been better than me at, even before developing her quirk. I felt guilty for being jealous but I had always felt left out when our moms praised her...

My head drooped down and I flitted off to sleep. I woke up to a slight jostle of turbulence and shook my head to clear it from the nightmares that haunt me every time I close my eyes. The flight attendant from before was speaking into a small microphone towards the front of the plane.

"-e will be landing soon. Please keep your seatbelts secure until we come to a full stop. Thank you for taking ------- Airlines. We hope you had a good flight and look forward to seeing you again soon."

The microphone clicked and I turned groggily to my sister. I shook her slightly but I knew it was no point. She hadn't slept in weeks. There was no use waking her up now. I waited until we landed and slung her over my shoulders, grabbing our bags and heading out of the plane. The flight attendant smiled at me as I left but was clearly still agitated from before. I smiled back but stuck my middle finger out from my grip on Keith's bag. She was just doing her job, of course, but she didn't have to be so rude about it. I stuck my tongue out distastefully and got some weird looks from the people around me.

On my way to the baggage claim I spotted a Subway. Or the closest the Japan airport had to it I guess. I got myself and Keith a sandwich, I had memorized her order at this point. White bread, turkey, lettuce, pickles, salt and vinegar. I leaned her against the wall for a bit while I stuck the sandwiches into my bag, the pretty korean girl who served me my sandwiches looked at me, clearly concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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