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Chapter 9
Knowing I was kidnapped not once but twice. What would I do? What can I do? But the only thing on my mind right now was Elija, he is dead... Elijas dead.
I had a black bag over my head but as soon as we stopped, I was pulled out of the car and thrown inside with my hands tied behind my back. My arm shattered on the floor almost breaking it.

Me: "AHH."
Stranger: "Shut up"
Me: "I recognise your voice!"
I couldn't help but ask where Elija was.
Me: "Where the hell is Elija?, he can't be dead!"
Stanger: "aww, maybe I did, maybe I didn't"
He pulls the bag of my head, making me squint my eyes!

Me: "oh m...y g..o..dddd"
Stranger: "hello Becky!"
He laughed and stared at me. I couldn't help but struggle and try to get out of the ropes, tied around my hands. But he kicked me in the stomach so that I wouldn't move again. He picked me up and shoved me on the chairs. My belly wouldn't stop throbbing in pain.

Me: "!, leave m...e alo..n..e"
I'm coughing so loud because of how hard he hit me in the stomach.
Carlos: "no... I don't think so... you and your little boyfriend owe me!"
Me: "oh so Elijas alive now? And by the way I owe you nothing"
He hit me again but only this time he hit me in the mouth where I bled so hard. I squinched my fingers making my hands bleed.
Carlos: "he's alive! He's a vampire remeber. To kill then you have to shoot them in the heart. And I have a proposition for you!"
Me: "what!"
Carlos:" you leave Elija for good and marry me, and you will stay alive and so will Elija, but if not you and Elija will die! So choose and quickly!"

Me heart beat ed as fast as any humans could possibly go! But I knew what I had to do in order for Elija to live.
Me: "fine but Elija will come for you one day and he will kill you!"
He hit me again only this time knocking me out!"

Twenty minutes later I woke up in a bed filled with silk sheets and a nurse around me.
Me: "w..hat the he..ll is happening!"
Nurse: "your boyfriend called me and told me that you needed help because you got beat up in the streets and he found you so that's when he called me!"
Me: "Elija?.. I start to smile.
Nurse: "no, Carlos dear!"
My smile dissapeering straight away when she mentioned the first letter of his name.
He comes walking in kissing me on the head, acting so supprised that I was awake. This made me so angry. My tears start to build up. I wanted to let them go but I didn't want to show how weak I was to ca...rlos.
He makes me so angry.

Carlos:" you can phone Elija and tell him that you will no longer see him and you will never be coming back home... Oh and tell him to never come looking for you!"
Me: "why about Cj, I can't just leave with out saying good bye"
I whimper...
Carlos" you can call him to but you only have 2 minutes!, got it!"
He demanded I never speak to any of them again. Which pained me to say I didn't care anymore as long as they were both okay. Did that make me a selfish person? Or a really good friend?

(The call to Elija)
Me:"hello? Elija, please tell me your there. Please tell me your still alive. I can't do this anymore Elija, we can't see each other anymore! Never come looking for me or bother to speak to me! You haven't done anything wrong to me, I love you Elija! Goodbye" I say as it went straight to voice mail.

Then the next call I had to make was just as heart breaking was Cjs and me and Cj have know each other for so long, he's just to hard to lose!

(Cjs call)
Me:" Cj I miss you so, so much, but I'm going away for a little while! Remeber when you saw something you didn't want me to see well yeah! The involves that and I'm so sorry I have to leave you and Elija, hope your not mad at me, I love you so much Cj! Goodbye"

I didn't even give Cj a chance to speak and I just put the phone down on him because I knew If I listened to his voice, it would of been to hard to say goodbye!
Carlos walked over and snatched the phone off of me and told me to get a shower and be downstairs by eleven. He didn't care if I was bruised and all beaten up! But if I did the listen to what he had said, he was of beaten me up even more!

I had a shower and I got ready as quick as I could. I started to make my way downstairs whilst the nurse helped me. He sat me down in a wheel chair because of how bad I was beaten but the worst thing is, she didn't know who by, she just thought I got randomly beaten up by strangers.

I sit down at the dinner table with a box and a meal in front of it.
Carlos told me to open the box. I hoped to God it isn't want I thought it was!

Carlos: "open it now!"
I slowly open it and my eyes widen and my heart beat faster. It's exactly what I thought it was.

An engagement ring.....

If you liked this chapter, please comment what was your favourite bit about this chapter was. And don't forget to vote. Thankyou all so, so much for those who are supporting me in my book right now.
I'll be uploading the 10th chapchapter tommorow

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