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Agh, I'm really sorry guys. I should've announced this sooner, but everytime I kept on telling myself I'd try to continue this. Thankfully, I'm doing this now,though. Better late than never I suppose.

First of all, I want to thank every single one of you. Seriously, when I first wrote the first chapter, I didn't think many people would really be into it. So when I say it shocks me to see all these comments and views, it's true. I have no idea where any of them came haha, but I really do appreciate them... What saddens me is that I might not even continue this. I'm sorry...it's just that after uploading the first chapter, I never really expected this to get as noticed as it is now, so I never really bothered to plan everything out. I thought that I could go as I wrote, but obviously that turned out to be a huge mistake. So, don't do what I did haha

I'm not saying I won't ever update this, but neither am I saying that this is definitely going to be updated for sure. Perhaps I'll pick this up some time soon, but right now just isn't the time.

I hope you all understand ^^

Thank you for your time and support.
I hope you all learned a lesson from me ^^"

I cannot stress how thankful I really am. Please understand I don't mean this as a bad thing. Personally, I'm really disappointed in myself to bring you all down all of a sudden. I know. But as I said, this isn't a definite end to the story. Perhaps I'll pick this up sometime again...

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

-S ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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