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The echo of footsteps and chattering could be heard ringing throughout the school halls, filling my ears with an empty sound.
I looked down, watching my footsteps carefully, mostly to avoid eye contact, cause lord knows what happens when ya make eye contact.
And a sudden 'Thump' sent me flying to the moon.
Not physically, Lord knows how that would go.


"Connor! I haven't seen you in a while, man."

It was always Jason.
Jason with that goddamn smile.
That smile that got me to hate him and love him so much.
That smile that basically tore through defenses I have spent years putting up.
That smile that bought me a special place in Hell.
Or, at least that's what I was told all my life.
'Being gay is a sin that will send you straight to Hell.'


"Oh, uh, yea! H-how are you.."

I paused for a moment, staring into his emerald green eyes.
I only now realized how incredibly intense they were, contrasting his lovable and fun personality.

"I'm doing great, but schools tryin' to kill me, dude. No joke."

Jason ran his hand through his brown, fluffy hair, attempting (yet failing) to keep little strands of his hair from falling on his face, as it always did, no matter what he did.

"I-if somethings trying to kill you, you wouldn't be d-doing that great, would y-you?"
I joked.
He laughed a little, which made my heart flutter behind my chest.
God, why couldn't I just be normal?

"I suppose not. Anyways, I have to get going. See you after school?"

He was smiling that smile again.
Fuck you and that gorgeous, gorgeous smile of yours, Jason.
I thought to myself.
I stammered.
I fidgeted with the candy wrapper I had in my hand.
I had another piece of which I was planning to give to Jason—
I said I was gonna give that to Jason, you little-
I mentally screamed at myself.
He waved, before disappearing into the crowd of familiar faces.
I was gonna give that to Jason.
But now I'm not.
Good job, Connor, ya doofus. How hard is it to fucking hand over a piece of candy?

Well, that depends.
The action itself isn't that hard.
..Unless you have a..
Oh god I'm in love.
With Jason.
Of all idiots.


"If you had to choose between a gay villain and a bisexual prince for a Disney movie, which would it be?"

Jason asked. It was a random question, but Jason is full of random, so I was used to things like this.

"A bisexual prince that falls in love with a gay villain.
The end."
I responded.
Jason chuckled before looking away.
He glanced back at me.

"Well, if you had to be one of the the two, who would you be? I know sure as Hell I'd be the gay villain.
Can you imagine being kidnapped by a murderer wearing a rainbow pride shirt?"

A chuckle escaped my lips.

"Well then, who would be your prince?"

Jason stayed silent for a moment before responding.

"I don't know any bisexual people, so-"

"Bish check who your talking to."

Da fuck did I just say?
Oh god.
Oh god no.
Oh Jesus Christ I'm dead.

Jason just stared for a second before smiling.
(The opposite of what I expected him to do.)

"Your bisexual? That's cool."


He continued,
"I am too."


I was beyond shocked.
It felt good to know that he's had male crushes before, like me.
Maybe there was hope after all.

He started speaking again,
"In that case, let me rephrase that.
I know one bisexual person.
Which means there's one option for a bisexual prince."
He giggled before jokingly poking my side.
I felt my face heat up a bit.

Jason began speaking once again,
"Which kinda sucks 'cause I wanted you to be my evil sidekick that helps me kill everyone off.
Or, attempt to, before I get my ass beat by that damn handsome bisexual prince."

"Haha.. do you know what would happen if your mom heard us talking about killing people off?"
I questioned.

Jason just shrugged before coming to a conclusion that they would never find our body if she overheard.

"Maybe if we're lucky she'd make the grave wide enough for us to cuddle before she buried us alive."
Jason suggested.


"Pfft. I doubt that."
I said, facing the wall so he couldn't see my slightly flushed cheeks.

"Nothing wrong with hoping."
He shrugged.

I faced him again.

"Hoping to be buried alive with me in your arms? Pfffft."

"That's not what I was talking about, but, yea, that would be an interesting death."

"Oh, so your talking about cuddling?
Ha. I'd let a cactus spoon me before I'd let you."

I felt like we both knew that was a lie.
Its just that.. I tend to get a bit.. 'irritated' when Jason does stuff like that.
He blinked.
We both ended up laughing, though.

"What time is it— oh shit I gotta get home.
I stood up before walking towards the door of Jason's bedroom.

"See you next time, Jason."

He smiled.

"Later, Connor."

So, that's it! I'll publish another chapter soon. Tell me what ya think!
Later y'all ^^

Rose PetalsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant