The Journey

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I walked out the door and haven't walked back in since. I traveled to Asia, Europe, and Australia to find a single pack to help. In London a few young woman joined me. One lady had blonde hair and green eyes named Alaina , another girl had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes similar to mine named Diana . In Australia two muscular men with tan skin and brown hair with blue eyes (Daniel and Ryan) joined me.They agreed to help me fight. After a while of staying together and traveling we all became very close friends. In the end they were all I had left. Us just a bunch of teenagers against who knows amount of ferocious killer rouges. Throughout the days I began to lose hope. How could I know that I was about to make the most important decision ever. "ANDREA" yelled Ryan from the bathroom of the motel "we're all out of toilet paper" a frown of disgust came over my face. I convinced Alaina to do it cause I would pass out from the stank. It all went quite for a second. Then I felt like i shit bricks when the doorbell rang. "Ahhhhh" screamed Daniel like a girl. Dang he can really scream! I walked over to the door a without hesitation I opened it. A mysterious man in a dark hoody stood in the hall I couldn't see his face. I suddenly felt like I was in one of those horror movies I love to watch when he handed me a envelop with a old red wax seal on it. When I grabbed i the man walked away. "Wait who is it from" I yelled with no response. I sat it on the counter next to the toaster because I was to afraid to open it. I walked back into the kitchen when a lovely smell of pancakes hit me. Mmm... I thought as I looked at the yummy blueberry pancakes stacked on Ryan's plate. I immediately snatched then from his plate and licked them. "Hey those were mine"he said to me with a baby frown on his face. "Hey those were mine" his face turning red."well now they are mine cry me a river" I said while smirking at him evily. I was still thinking on whether or not to open the envelop. I don't know what it was are who it was from which frightened me a little. I pushed the thought out of my head and continued to eat the pancakes and drink the half finished Starbucks Alaina had got me earlier. Mmm nothing better than a cookie frappé and some blueberry pancakes. Oh well maybe having friends this good is the best thing for me but I don't know how I could lead them to battle and not lose them. I was finishing my blue berry pancakes and my phone kept going off. I checked it to see there was 3messages from a unknown number. "Have you opened my letter yet"it read... "You know you can't beat us with a bunch of misfits like that". I finally began to rip open the letter."Dear Andrea, yes we are the ones who killed your parents. They broke our agreement. When you were born you were supposed to come train with us and become a rouge or else they would die. They were able to lie and keep you hidden for a very long time but not for long. I'm saddened to inform you but your little gang isn't going to be any worry to us. Five weak teenagers
against a rouge pack of 800. We would gladly appreciate if you came to use willingly. Best wishes - Rick. Who the hell is Rick?
(Please comment you guys I need some help)👌 From bae~Aliyah!

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