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Tagged by NishikisOneAndOnly

Tagged by NishikisOneAndOnly

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1. Chocolate or Vanilla

f*ck you cant decide 

2. One bad habit
Decorating for a holiday when its two months away

(Ive already decorated my bedroom for christmas...) 

3. Something you hate

I could write a novel on that. One of the thousands is me

4. Anime Boys or Real

Anime Boys over power 9000

5. Whats you're hidden talent

Well, I can make kittens fall asleep instantly 

6. Whats your favourite food(s)

Waffles and mango

7. Three pet peeves

When you hug your cat or dog esc,and they run away T^T 
When you message someone and they obviously have seen it and they dont respond 
When you gather all your art supplies and go to get some water before you start and your pencil is spontaneously missing.

8. Favourite Anime

Sword Art Online

9. Three facts about me

I friggen love animals (if you cant already tell)
I'm terrible at drawing but I enjoy it a lot. 
I'm collect stuffed animals.

10. Tag 10 people

I'm a rule breaker so I'm going to take 4 :P





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