Basic Healing

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This spell is used to induce basic healing for yourself or others. 

You will need the following items for this spell:

-Red or black cord


Casting Instructions for 'Basic Healing'

Bind the afflicted body part (arm, leg, hand, etc.) with the red or black cord. Tie it tightly and say:

'I do not bind the (name the body part). I bind the disease residing there that it may leave the flesh and spirit of this person and enter the cord. Great Mother and Father, aid me in my work here. The disease is bound into the cord; only flames can release it hence! So mote it be!'

Untie the cord, and throw quickly into the fire. Visualize the disease being destroyed, evaporating in the flames. This takes great concentration but is very effective.


Author's note: If you want any spells, please comment or PM me, I'll see what I can do.


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