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  Summary: He was one to watch her, feeling more and more driven to make her his. The desire he felt for her was becoming overbearing, and he was certain she'd give in to his temptation...  

  Italics are a person's thoughts. example; 'sample.'
(f/n) , (l/n) = Reader's First Name, Last Name.
(e/c) = eye color
(h/c) = hair color
Timeskips and/ or changes in scenery are both identified by the little periods I put to separate them. While I do love filling space with a description about just every little thing, it can get tedious, forgive me.
I, of course, own nothing but the story itself. The characters mentioned and used are not property of me of course.

"Don't cry..." she cooed softly, petting him.
"Shh...it'll be alright master," she assured him.
"I'm here...I'll always be here," she said yet again.
Kind eyes, lovely, Sweet and pure.
Dark, but a warm darkness rather than the endless abyss within Claude's vibrant gold orbs. How different they were...
They stared back at soft baby blue irises in the desperate attempt to comfort the lost, tainted soul.
"It's so dark..." he whispered back to her clinging to her as she sat on the large bed with him. She held him tightly against her, keeping him trembling body near her.
"The darkness is what you fear the most yes master..." she said softly, embracing the poor child and knowing how frightened he was at the loud clapping sounds.

'Was it pity she felt?
Or did she truly care?'

Aloise Trancy always asked himself this, but none the less trusted her, loving her attention.
He wouldn't dare lose her, couldn't stomach the idea of her leaving him.
"Y-yes! p-please don't go!" He pleaded, burying his flushed face in her warm chest.
"Why isn't he here! Where's Claude?!" He demanded in anguish. To her, the question sounded as only a soft muffled plea.
Unknown to the two the said man watched them, all with glowing interest.
Claude licked his now dry lips watching the young maid from dark corner.
It wasn't too surprising...The evil creatures always do tend to creep in the dark corners.
Hushed ... always watching you... Just waiting for the right moment...

"It all excites me ..." He said lowly, smirking at the vulnerable pair, but mostly the young woman.
Everything about her made him go mad.
"Naughty me, wanting a treat before dinner." He snickered.
Of course, the whimpering child's soul was appetizing, It had been his only focus until a certain point, it had been until she arrived...
Her soul begged to be devoured, shared with no one else but him, and swallowed whole by his gluttonous hunger.
How he longed to ravish her pure, virgin body. Run his nude fingers up and down her smooth legs and dig his sharp fangs within her silky neck.
He could smell it, she was untouched, untainted, and oh so tempting.
Never before had he felt this overwhelming urge to completely devour a defenseless creature as herself, not even his prior fixation on his master was in comparison.
The day she stepped foot in the household, that single move marked her fate. From that day forth, she was his, and his alone.
Surprising enough, watching her with the brat somehow made her more appealing, it made her much more delicious.
'How kind are you?...No, better yet,
How nieve and incredibly stupid?'
He thought darkly.
She couldn't say no. Couldn't leave out of the affection for the young boy, even if it meant living her life in servitude.
Living it in a nest of demons and possible death.
Such kindness and sympathy could only belong to a weak person.
A nieve and utterly stupid creature.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon your highness...he would never abandon you," she said lightly running her fingers through her master's silky blond hair to soothe his stress.
"...And what about you?" He questioned unsurely, with a quaking voice. His fingers into the fabric of her dress, fearing she'd leave him right then and there.
"I love my young master far too much to ever leave him..." she said lovingly making his heart warm and his body melt more into her hold. How she cherished this child. Although at times she'd wish she could run away, she could never bear the thought of leaving him.
Something pulled her back, rendering her weak to the idea of disappearing from his lonesome life.
Soon the lights flickered on revealing tall figure approaching them.
"Claude!" Exclaimed the young boy with fresh tears still running down his flushed cheeks, but none the less sounding completely elated.
"(f/n) was right! You didn't leave...." he said trailing off, furiously rubbing his puffy, tired eyes.
Alois looked at his either side to see the two people he loved the most. The two people he couldn't bear to live without.
They would never leave him...
They could never do so...
A soft smile made its way onto his young face, wanting to stay just like this all his life.
' My Claude... and my (f/n)' he thought with bursting joy.
With that thought aside he smirked discretely. There was something else he loved about having his (f/n) and his Claude with him...
'Time for some fun' he squealed inwardly at his favorite pass time.
He pressed his face deeper into the young woman's chest, wrapping his arms around her as he had before.
'Oh Claude, u desperately want her......don't you? .....
Don't you wish you could hold her as I do?'
He taunted the demon, not needing words to do so. With a single look shot towards the demon, he teased him.
As if he could read minds, Claude tightened his jaw at the sight. His hands twitched at his side knowing he could do nothing to tear them apart and only watch.
"Your so warm...." Alois whispered softly, actually loving her coziness.
"Your Highness...don't you think you should head back to sleep already?" Claude suggested gritting his teeth, trying to sound pleasant.
"Mmm.....why yes of course!" he chirped, yawning. Turning back to (f/n) he looked up at her with large innocent eyes.
"(f/n) would kiss me goodnight?" He asked shyly, eyeing the demon to the side who stood rather stiffly at the request.
"...After all don't they say an angel's touch heals all wounds?" He said in wonder, putting up a false play of a sinless child.
"I'm no angel, but I will do so anyway," she responded and giggled lightly.
Placing a soft, chaste kiss on the boy's forehead, (f/n) tucked him in, leaving him with a good night's wish and left the room in silence, having found the butler already having left the room moments ago.
She quietly maneuvered throughout the dark halls in hopes of not disturbing the sleeping child with any loud noise. Despite her attempts at a silent retreat to her quarters, she moved in quicker steps than usual.
The same odd feeling that someone was watching her made her spine tingle and hairs stand. It hadn't been the first time she's felt so uneasy in the gloomish nights. Before she could think twice, or even react, a body was pressed against hers, caging her between it and the hard wall.
Her scream was muffled by a gloved hand, pressing over her trembling mouth.

"Shh....now-now, although I'd absolutely love to have your screams echo throughout the halls I have a different method...."

She couldn't believe this...
"C-Claude..." she studdered shocked, never having been so close to the man, or even touched by him for that matter.
"Ms.(f/n)....." he said, practically purring in her ear, letting his hand fall from her lips.
'This is too much...it's all a dream...all a dream....this can't be real..!' She chanted in her head.
"Pl-please! Get o-of of me!" she squeaked, squirming in his hold. He responded with a low chuckle, amused by her frail, little voice.
He changed positions, and she was now being held by a strong hand above of both of hers. His golden eyes flickered pink staring into hers trapping her soul and making her go still.
Caught in a trance she stood dumbfounded, watching him draw near.
'I - I should....move....but.....b...but...I...can't...'. Mindset blank she couldn't think straight, she could hardly breathe.
Soon enough Firm, thin lips dominated hers in a rough kiss. It was hungry, needy and above all screamed of desire.
She still hadn't responded irritating him slightly...
"Don't be uncooperative...ms. (f/n)" He said softly, deepening the kiss by tilting her head upwards and bending down slightly to her stature. She protested yet again and struggled to push him away only to have him press himself further.
'No....' she thought desperately fighting the urge to give in, but she couldn't help moaning as his free hand molded her round breast, teasing her through the soft fabric. She cried aloud as he squeezed it lightly, what a teasing grin.
This sensation, the feeling of need and all this want, she couldn't bear it.
She had already fallen into his temptations.
He buried his nose into the crook of her neck, inhaling the soft scent of Lillies and lavender. He lightly nibbled the soft flesh before he bit down harshly tasting the sweet blood that leaked from her wound.
'Oh my....this taste better than expected ...' he thought making more bruises on her skin.
"Claude.....please....make me yours", she practically begged, breathing ragged. Hearing her say such a thing his hands now released hers, knowing she'd already fallen into his web.
She stood, tightly gripping his shoulders as his mouth moved in sync with hers.
Her legs felt like jelly, slightly shaking and about to collapse. He could sense the desire laced within words she spoke, the need to be claimed by him.
Oh and how he loved it....
He gave a devilish smirk before pulling her into the empty room, planning on giving her just what she wanted

Yes, everyone would know she was his...

***next morning*****

"Say did u hear miss (f/n) Last night?" Said a voice in a quiet murmur.
"Good grief, One would give to be deaf not too, I'll admit I wouldn't mind havin her squirmin beneath me.... too bad that glory hog got to her first...." Another voice, almost identical to the first replied back.
The three men, all perfectly alighned spoke amongst themselves in quiet tones.
"I must say , I agree, she is quite a screamer though....." The last of the three added, tilting his head.
"Indeed....." The other two said in sync.  

Temptation Claude Faustus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now