Chapter one

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I hear my radio blast say goodbye and u get up starting the car it shaking me lightly I quickly get up and get in my normal school chloe he's so my glasses a skirt an sweater and flats I get into my car and drive to school as soon as I walk in every one starts laughing at me I go to "the office and use my fake name "hi I'm the new kid Carson" I say the office pay nods and smiles nicely at me while giving me my schedule I look at the rooms and walk in me being late "hello I'm assuming you are Carson Shain" the sachet says meanly I nod "well okay I'm mrs.Brut" she says annoyed I say okay "take any free seat" she says again like a jerk I nod and go to the only free seat by a boy with blonde hair and icey blue eyes after I sit down I take in his features "stp druwling dipshit" he snaps I look away quickly to my paper as I start drawing
-after school-
Okay so right now I've had enough of this kid that I say next to in first period I get into my car and drive straight to the mall you see I've been saving up money when I say money I mean about 5 or 6 hundred dollars to get a new wardrobe

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