First Kiss

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It was raining, again. Castiel woke up, and the water was pouring from the sky. He sighed, and went to take a shower.

After his shower, Cas put on 'casual' clothes, even though his 'casual' was his button-ups and ties. But Dean liked it when he looked casual, so he did it.

He put on a gray Hollister shirt and an old pair of jeans. He jogged downstairs and made himself some toast, munching on it while he slipped his shoes on.

He went back upstairs and shoved a fresh pair of clothes in his bag, just in case. He was running back downstairs when the door bell rang. He fixed his appearance in a random mirror, and opened the door.

Dean smiled when he saw him.

"You look great," he said, eyeing Castiel thin shirt. Cas smiled back, closing the door and jogging to the Impala, trying to avoid the rain.

He slid into his seat and soon Dean was sliding into his, both boys barely wet. Before Castiel had a chance to buckle up, Dean leaned over and pressed his lips to Castiel's cheek.

"Hello sexy," he whispered, placing a small kiss to Castiel's ear, who smiled.

"Good morning Dean," he replied, kissing Dean's nose. They pulled away and buckled up, Dean starting towards school. After a few seconds, he held a hand out towards Cas.

Castiel was confused as to why Dean was holding his hand out, but then he caught on. He slipped his hand into Dean's, resting their now joint hands on his thigh.

"You're really possessive, you know that?" Castiel teased. Dean shrugged.

"What's mine is mine," he said simply, pulling into the school. He parked close to the door and killed the engine.

The boys jumped out of the car and ran towards the school gates, ignoring the weird glances people gave them. They made it inside with almost no water on them at all.

Dean followed Cas to his locker, and leaned against the one beside it. Castiel put his things inside and grabbed the things he would need for math.

The warning bell rang over head, saying that they had 5 minutes to get to class.

"Alright, well I have to go. I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Dean said. He looked to make sure that no one was looking, before leaning in to kiss Castiel's forehead softly.

"Alright, I'll see you then," Cas said, kissing Dean's cheek before heading off to class.


History soon came around, and Cas slid into his seat next to Bella.

"How did your date go last night?" she askes, running her hand through her hair.

"I watched cars flip over each other, then we went and got something to eat. I got hit on, Dean got jealous, and I ended up telling a cashier that if Dean and I got married I'd come bavk and show her the ring," Cas said, laughing slightly. Bella's eyes widened and a weird smile grew on her face.

"Sounds like a wonderful date," she said, laughing. Castiel nodded.

"And I loved every second of it," he said, just as the bell rang. The class started slow, with the students just reading paragraphs. They did that until the bell rang. Castiel and Bella slipped out of the class and to Cas' locker.

He put his things away, and they made their way towards the lunch room. Dean came out of nowhere, slinging his arm over Castiel's shoulders and kissing his cheek.

"Hello," he said, smiling down at Cas.

"Hello Dean," he replied, wrapping an arm around Dean's waist as they walked. Bella let out something close to a squeal.

"You guys are really cute together," she said. Dean smiled while Cas blushed.

"Thank Bella," Cas mumbled, leaning his head on Dean's shoulder. They got their food and walked towards their usual table, sitting in their usual seats. Cas and Bella across from each other on the end, and Dean next to Castiel.

They ate their lunch quietly, making jokes every now and then when the silence was too much. Soon the bell rang, and they left for class.


It was still raining when school was let out. Cas and Dean stood inside, staring out at the rain.

"It's been raining a lot this week. Wonder what's up with that," Dean mumbled, more to himself. Castiel sighed, nodding slightly.

"I see no point in rain," he said, staring up at the clouds. They were dark, and showed no sign in stopping their everlasting showers. He got an idea, and looked over at Dean. He was still staring at the rain.

Feeling eyes on him, Dean looked over at Castiel.

"What?" he asked, looking back outside. They were the only ones out of the rain, while everyone else was hanging around in the water.

Castiwl didn't say anything, but grabbed Dean's hand and led him outside, into the rain.

"Cas? What are you doing?" he asked, but allowed Cas to pull him. He thought they were heading to the Impala, but those thoughts were put to rest as Castiel stopped them, in the middle of the large crowd of people.

"Cas? You'll get sick again," Dean said, noticing how soaked Cas was, even though he was just as bad. Castiwl just smiled, putting on hand on either side of Dean's face.

"It'll be worth ir," he whispered, leaning in. He closed his eyes, and pressed their lips together. Dean stood their shocked, before closing his own eyes and kissing back.

Everyone around them had stopped talking and were now staring at the couple, kissing in the rain. They didn't mind; this was Castiel's plan all along. He was coming out to the school.

Dean wrapped one arm around Cas, pulling him closer. His other arm fist pumped the air, smiling into the kiss. He pressed Castiel closer, leting him wrap one arm around Dean's neck.

They stood there for what felt like hours. Lips connected, in the rain.

And they loved every second of it.




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