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You only realize something's worth when you lose it.

I never showed my love to him, not until he left.

When he started to walk away, my world came with him, leaving me behind with tears flowing from my eyes.

Have you ever experienced, for once in your life you've been important to someone?

To someone who showed you care, trust and love, but you just accepted it without even returning it?

Never in my life was I treated as an important person, its always just being a failure and being worthless.

But what if he just enters my life and immediately leaves?

Can I even smile and face the world?

Even if deep inside I'm bruised and dying?

Can I even face him, without wanting to make him mine again?

Is this how love really is?

A pain to those who are imperfect?

An illusion to make you feel important or wanted?

Is this what love truly is?

Because I feel like I cant even fight, knowing love isn't on my side

August 25 2018Where stories live. Discover now