Chapter 4: just RUN!

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Hi guys! I'm not dead! Sorry this year is exam year so I don't have a lot of time so please forgive me!

Anyway new chapter!

Hope you enjoy!


Newt PoV 

I woke up to the feeling of someone's arms around me and being carried.

I opened my eyes, surprised not to have to squint or have one of the others complaining about something the moment they bloody woke up...

I mean come on!

Alby is the shucking leader not me!

And just like that memories of what happened yesterday(?) flooded my mind.

Well there goes any chance of falling back asleep to the gentle murmurs of the others around me...

When my vision finally started to focus I realised that I was being carried by Tommy which made me smile a little despite everything.

"Newt?" Winston asked.


"We're in the warehouse Newt." I heard Tommy murmur from above.((A/N: nope no one can make me take back that unintentional pun)) I immediately sprang to my feet, almost pushing Thomas over in the process, and was met with a smug-looking Brenda and a panicking Jorge ((feel free to correct spellings)). "What the shucking hell is going on?" I asked, confused as I watched Jorge hurriedly pack everything of use.

"We're getting out of here Hermanos, I had a feeling something was not right but now that is confirmed we will be going." Jorge paused, " and we will be venturing with you to the mountains and the Right Arm."

My eyes widened because... Just how long was I asleep for that conclusion to be made? "Any way we need to be going, now. We gave ourselves a few days head start on WCKD but we don't need to be wasting it. Time is precious and the longer we stay in one place the faster and more likely it is for WCKD to find us." Minho stated.

3rd person PoV (because I accidentally slipped into it and didn't want to have to edit)

The group nodded, Jorge and Brenda grabbing their things, travelling light and jumping on Jorge's emergency zip wire.

The group ran through the desert towards the mountains, only looking back when they heard the sound of an explosion ring out into the starry midnight sky a few hours later. The warehouse, or at least what they assumed was the warehouse, was in flames. 

If they had lagged a bit, if they had got stuck somewhere because of a horde of  cranks then that could have been them in there.

The group sprinted on.

And on.

And on.

And on.

They only encountered a few small hordes of cranks, after all most of the cranks stayed in the cities where they were more likely to come across someone who had yet to fall to the flare virus. The first one was easy to hide from, the second, however, was out in the open, meaning that that had to fight their way through. Not that any of them cared. 

Newt and Thomas led the way when they finally reached the mountain that they remembered the Right Arm base being located before Teresa betrayed them.

At this point it was getting to mid day and they were all getting hungry, even with the rationed supplies of food and water they all took both from the glade and Jorge's hide out.

However, before someone *cough* Brenda *cough* could voice their complaints, a loud gunshot was heard and they all ducked behind the rocks and piled up cars. Well, Newt thought dryly, at least they're conveniently facing us in the same place as last time.

Vince came forward first, ready to shoot when Thomas spoke up.

"Vince? My Name is Thomas, my friends and I are running from WCKD! I sent you guys a message, with the locations of WCKD bases? Please let us go to your camp! We just want to get home to our families!"

There was a moment of silence following his plead.

"Follow us" Vince replied, turning and walking along the path that ledge the camp. The group hurriedly following, not wanting to loose him.

As they walked into the main tent of the camp Vince began to speak again.

"The Right Arm is a resistance force against WCKD, as I'm sure you are all aware of but we also help the teens taken by WCKD their homes and families by working with the FBI,CIA, Interpol, MI6, NATO and the United Nations. ((A/N: NATO is not made up it is a real thing. It stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)) So, do any of you know your real names or who your family is?"

Only Newt and Thomas raised their hands.

"My real name is Simon Brown and I'm from England. I remember being the oldest of six children who always made our Nannies and Father's lives hell. My mother died shortly after my youngest sister was born."

"My real name is Mizesclaw Stillinsky or Stiles since most people can't pronounce my first name. I'm from America, Beacon Hills California. Both of my parents are dead, my friends left me when WCKD came along and telling me that I was just a burden. I'm an only child and if possible I want to live with or near Newt."

Everyone stared at the duo in shock.

"Wow! Normally the kids don't remember anything until we remove the swipe from their brains." A voice sounded behind them making all but Vince jump out of their skins.

"Bloody hell!"

"What the shuck!?"

"Holy Shit!"

After the barrage of curses the group turned around to see a familiar face to Thomas and Newt.

Mary Cooper (had to look up her last name).

"Hehehe. Looks like the rest of you will need blood tests to find out who you really are but Newt and Thomas we can send you off right after we do a medical check on you. Though since we're in California your going to have to go throug Beacon hills airport (for author convenience) to get to New York and then from New York you will fly into London Heathrow airport." She instructed.

The group glanced at each other before going their separate ways.

It turns out Minho is from South Korea and is the son of Seo Jang-Hoon.

So his name is actually Seo Minho. And he would be travelling back to Seoul two days after the Newtmas duo leave.

Newt and Thomas sit in the car, taking turns in driving, pulling over, kissing, switching places and driving again while the other sleeps.

After a few hours they arrive in Beacon hills.


And I'll leave it there!

This is a farely long chapter to make up for not updating for a while.

I'm sorry!

Exam stress and the amount of work I have for this year is clogging up and I'm really stressed so thank you for understanding and not nagging me about new chapters.

I will try and update as best as I can!

Snow OUT ~~❄️❄️ 

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