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Pov keith

"Keith, I'm glad you ended up switching. Matt will be happy to see you" shiro said over the phone "what day are you coming in"


There was chatting on the other side of the phone until Shiro spoke
"Cool man, I gonna go. Text me later ok?"

I hang up the phone and lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

I was going to this crappy college that I didn't even like, I dont know why I went there in the first place.
One of the kids there didn't like me...
Well most of the people there didn't like me. But this guy really hated me. His name was James Griffin.

He told me something that I couldn't handle. So I beat the shit out of him.
I ended up being expelled so shiro suggested the one he was going to.
There is a cool artist class I could take so it's not that bad.

" I guess it would be nice to see shiro and Matt again" I smile a little then get up to get ready for bed.


My eyes open to the sound of my alarm on my phone

I sigh then get up and walk to the bathroom to get ready

I look in the mirror to see my hair messy as hell

"Keith, hurry up or you'll be late" I hear Emma yell from down stairs

Emma is my foster mother that took me in when I was 9. I'm 18 now and she still takes care of me. I love her like she was my real mother

I walk down stairs with my old school bag

"Do you have all your clothes in there's?"

I go up stairs and grab another bag which is full of clothes then walk back down stairs

I don't need that much stuff so I'm only bringing two bags and my satchel

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah" we walk to the car and get in.
We start driving.

"Are you excited to go to school again?"

"Not really, but shiro and Matt are there so I'll be fine" I say tiredly

"Well that's good" she says with a smile

We were silent for the rest of the drive but it wasn't awkward it was peaceful.

"Keith" Emma softly says shaking me a little

I open my eyes to see we are parked in front of a building. I must have fallen asleep during the drive.

"We're here"

I get up with my stuff and walk with Emma through the building to try and find the office.

We make it to the office and they show us some papers Emma has to fill out then they show me my room


"Ok keith, I'll go back home now. Call me if you forgot something"


I hug her goodbye and she leaves.

I start to unpack. My side of the room was clean and untouched but the other side of the room was messy with clothes and books everywhere.

" they said I would get a roommate but I haven't seen them yet. The office didn't even tell me they're name." I mutter to myself. I continue to unpack my things


This is my first story. I did start another one but I ended up deleting it😅. I hope you like it

"Maybe School Won't Be That Bad?" (klance au college)Where stories live. Discover now