Chapter 2

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After Jin had shown you your room, you went and had a bath. As you sat in the bath, you thought about your dad. He had died a while ago. He died in a car crash but fortunately someone pulled you and your mum out of that car. There was also thunder and lightning at the time so now you are terrified of thunder and lightning.

You suddenly realised that you were crying because of thinking too deeply about you dad. You decided to get out of the bath and get some clothes on. Because you wasn't going to do anything else today, you put on some pyjamas.

After that, you went downstairs but to your silliness, you fell down the stairs and everything went black.
I was on my phone when I heard Y/N scream so I went to the stars and she was on the floor unconscious so I picked her up and put her on the sofa.

You woke up with a pain in your ankle. You tried to stand up but you just fell down as the pain was too much. Jin came rushing in saying that you had mildly sprained your ankle and needed to rest it for a day or two. Then you ask Jin with a quiet voice "where is mum and dad?" Jin only said that they had gone to England for a few months so they would be looking after you. About five minutes later, Jin yelled to the others that dinner was ready and then he came over and picked you up and put you in a chair. I can walk on my own Jin you don't need to pick me up. No you can't walk Y/N. Then you heard the footsteps of your new brothers rushing for their food. You sat at the head of the table and Yoongi sat on the left side of you and Namjoon sat on the right. After dinner, you got up to leave forgetting that you had hurt your ankle and you fell over and your head landed on Yoongis lap. Yoongi said "can you get off of me already?!" And you immeadiately sat up and Yoongi carried you to the living room and placed you on the sofa.

Can we watch a movie, asked Jungkook. Yoongi said, can we watch a horror, and they all replied with a YAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS except you who said NOOOOOOO ant they all looked at you in silence. Then JIMIN broke the silence saying, ohh pleaseeeee Y/N we will be here as well, nothing will hurt you. And you replied with a fineeeeeeeeeee. Around half way through you got sooooo scared that you snuggled your head into Yoongis chest and he laid his arm around you. About ten minutes after that, you fell asleep on Yoongi.
Jin: Alri-
Yoongi: shhhhhhhhhh Y/N is sleeping
J-hope: but how will you sleep
Yoongi: I will sleep here with Y/N  so pass some blankets.
Jungkook: okay then goodnight.
And then Yoongi fell asleep too.

You suddenly woke up to a loud clap of thunder and you try to run to the bathroom to get some tissues but you fell on the floor with a thump, awakening Yoongi and the others. The others all rushed in seeing you laying on the floor crying because it brought back horrible memories like from when you were at primary school someone had said " I hope Y/N disappears like a clap of thunder" and of course your dads story. After you had explained that, the others went back to their beds and Yoongi places you on his lap, he said, was all of that true, I can't believe that happened to you. All you replied was that you had cut your wrist that day In Primary school and you never returned to that school. Yoongi has pulled you into a tight hug saying, that will never happen again and you started crying again. You fell asleep after a long period of time.


My overprotective stepbrothers (bts ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora