Chapter 17

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I woke up in a hospital bed on my stomach. I looked round and seen Liam laying on the couch asleep. I pushed my self up and groaned when I felt the pain in my back. Liam woke up and was by my side in a heartbeat. I got a good look at him it looked like he hasn't sleep in days.

"Don't move baby they had to put some stitches in your back from the whip," he told me and I laid back down.

"When can I go home," I asked just wanting to be in my own bed.

"Soon I think I can go talk to the doctor for you," he said as the doctor was walking into the room.

"Hi Samantha, how are you feeling today you've been asleep for a good while now," the doctor said walking up to the bed holding a clip board and some papers.

"I'm doing  good, still in pain but when can I go home?" I asked him.

"You can go home as soon as we get all of the stuff they put in your system out," he said, "and when we can take the stitches out of your back."

"Is that why I cant talk to my wolf?" I asked him, "I can still feel that she is there."

"Yes, your wolf is weak right now so your will still be able to feel her but you wont be able to talk to her or shift until both of your are back to y'alls strength," he said, "Let me keep your for one more day we will redo blood work and see how it looks and then you can go home, but you cant be doing no heavy lifting or you will tear your stitches."

He walked out of the room and left me and Liam alone.

"I am so sorry that this happened to you," he told me grabbing my hand looking my in the eye. He looked like he was ready to cry.

"Don't be sorry none of us knew that my mother would do something like this," I told him wiping away his tears," where is she at anyway?"

"She is in the basement waiting," he said.

"Waiting for what?" I asked him

"She attacked you so either me or you can decide her punishment," he said looking at my back at what she did to me.

"Okay I want her dead," I told him getting angry," I don't want her alive anymore she might be my mother but she has hurt me to many times and I'm done with it I don't want her in my life anymore,"

 He nodded his head at me and kissed me on the lips. There was a knock on the door and a nurse came in.

"Hi, Ms. Samantha if you don't mind I'm going to take a little bit of blood from you," she said and grabbed a needle and some vials. I nodded my heard at her. Liam moved out of her way and she put this thing on my arm and started to look for a vein. Once she found one she put the needle in my arm and started to feel up the vials.

"Thank you," she said to me and she took the needle back out of my arm and walked out of the room with the vials.

"Are you hungry," Liam asked me. I nodded my head at him," Okay I will go get you something to eat okay,"

"Okay thank you," I said to him after he kissed my forehead and walked out of the room.

Liam came back into the room with some pudding and a bottle of water he opened them up and helped me eat since I was laying on my stomach. After I was done eating I moved over as much as I could with out hurting my self and Liam laid down next to me. He put his arm under my head and we both went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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