~chapter four~

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I'm  probably gonna delete that A/N part :')
Third persons ( or narrators) pov
The 2 boys were sitting under the tree. They were both relived that they actually had feelings for each other. Todoroki felt happy again. Midoriya was still not sure but he loved it.

As it was getting dark, the 2 boys decided to stay under the tree until morning. Or at least try to stay till morning.

They both leaned their heads on the back of the brown, wood tree. A cold breeze blew in their faces. A shiver got to deku. Todoroki saw a wrapped his arm around him. Deku blushed as he felt himself get pulled closer to the taller male. 

The two boys looked at each other and smiled. Todoroki looked up at the sky that was now dark with stars twinkling. He than felt someone's head on his shoulders. He took a look to find a sleeping deku. He smiled and kissed his head gently. " good night Midoriya," he said and closed his and hugged the small male close to him since he didn't wanna start a fire so he heated up his left side a bit to keep them both warm.

* time skip brought to you by my crappy writing 😂*

Midoriya's pov
I wake up to see me next to someone. I got scared but then calmed down once I just saw todoroki next to me. God he looked so cute when he sleeps. Just like a he's in a peaceful dream. I look at him and smile. He will look so cool with a flower crown but I can't find none. I would have to search but not now.

I start to get up until I felt todoroki get up. I smile as I say, " good morning Todoroki!" He reply's with a morning back but his voice his deep like he's cranky but who cares. That voice is so hawt! Wait...did I just say todoroki's voice was hawt? I did...didn't I? I really gotta stop!

I wanna mentally smack myself. I'll do that later though.

We both decide to look for food since god knows where anyone is. But hopefully kacchan will yell or make an explosion. I think that will be the best way to know where they are. Or I could of contacted one of them but there's no service out here. God damn it...

We find a river. I decided to go in the cold water like a idiot and try to find fish.

Note to self: next time, check the water with my hand to see if it's hot or cold. This water is COLD JESUS!

I ran out of the river like a baby shivering while screaming; " cold, cold, COLD!" It's cold what can I say but Man I want my all might blanket right now...

I hear a snicker to find todoroki literally almost laughing at me. He burst out into laughter which I don't think anyone and I mean ANYONE has ever saw him laugh. So I think I'm the first one and let me tell you, that laugh, is freaking adorable.

I decide to laugh along with him but deep down inside I'm dying of coldness. I think I froze up my whole inside. Oops...

Todoroki's pov
I burst into laughter as Midoriya ran out of the river screaming. I'm sorry ( not) it was funny. Or at least to me it was.

I try to speak but couldn't stop laughing. But he's laughing to? But I can tell he's just doing it to go along. I stopped laughing and wiped my tears that was coming out of my eyes that I never believe I laughed that hard in my life. I managed to say; " Midoriya, are you alright?" but I just laughed. I think I even snorted to.

But that was cute that he ran out of the river screaming. I can't lie on that. I finally calm down and look at him shivering. I decided to be the best and heat him up like last night. He sure appreciated it. I hold him close to make him stop shivering. Which it actually did help a little. Thank god.

I told him I would go in and get fish but instead I saw berries on a tree. I went to them and grabbed a bunch. Pray to the lord of all might that they aren't poisonous.

Midoriya suggested that we wash them in the river to get any stuff off. I nodded and did so. After that was done, we ate them. I see Midoriya eat and he looked so cute and I mean really cute. Damn it Midoriya, Your really gonna be the death of me one day with your damn cuteness that I don't think anyone can handle.

After we finished, we continued our search for the rest of the class. To be honest, I don't think we knew where we were going but oh well. At least we have each other than we should be fine, right?

We stood close to each other and kept on walking. Midoriya spots out a cliff and decides to go to it. I follow along. Maybe we can see our classmates from there. After we got to the top which felt like forever, both of our eyes were shocked that I believe Midoriya started to fall in love like literally.

The site was so beautiful. I think I can even see a water fall. Who knew this could be so much fun and beautiful. But not fun trying to find your classmates who just left you

We both admired this scenery, this is a good spot to maybe have a picnic or at least that's what I think they call it. After like about 5 minutes of staring, we both decided to look again for our classmates. I guess we were to distracted. But it was worth it.

We slowly walked down the cliff holding hands so we wouldn't fall since it was kinda steep. Eventually we made it to the bottom. I actually liked holding hands with him. It was comforting but I can tell he was a blushing mess but once again...

Midoriya your really gonna be the death of me I swear your just to god damn cute.
1049 words with out including this. Damn my hands hurt from this xD I hope you all like this chapter! I might fix some things in here but who knows.

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